...Why is it already Wednesday and I have done NO packing for California? This is REALLY not good. I vow to do it... Tonight? I leave in 3 days so BLAH. I need to get my act together. XP Plus I have ONE clip of the entire Shokura that I want done before I leave, so must finish that too. PLUS FANFICTION. @.@ I really want those done too. XP (You'll see why eventually.)
Really though? I have nothing to talk about.
akirashocksubs had it first release! <3
Ahahaa. I think everyone on the TEAM has been talking about this. LOL. But whatever. I've been giving out assignments (mainly PVs except for Em) to the timers. @.@ So I wonder how much'll be done when I get back. Ahahaah. Oh man.
I realized something, I don't know how I'm EVER going to catch up on my f-list when I miss it for a week. Watch like.. The BIGGEST THING HAPPENS. Ahahaha. That's always what happens. I'm totally going to make a post on Friday night/Saturday morning pleading people to reply with every entry they come across that they think I'll like. (Your own is also good! ^_^) Ahaha. I wonder if that'll work?
...I'm totally being random. I have nothing to talk about. So why did I even post?
"Ryotan? Ryotan!" Yuya called out and Ryo spun around to face the younger male.
"Yes?" he snapped and glared at Yuya.
Yuya, who wasn't used to being on the receiving end of one of Ryo's glares, stumbled back slightly and then pouted to try to soften the blow, "Ryotan~ The meeting's not over yet! You can't leave so early."
"So what? Pi left already and nobody stopped him, not even his boyfriend. So why can't I leave?"
"..But Akanishi-kun told me that if we left Yamashita-kun to his devices, he'd come back anyway. And not to worry!" Yuya looked at Ryo with furrowed eyes, "Were you worried, Ryotan?"
Ryo snorted and muttered a "Of course not. Who'd be worried about that baka?"
"Who's a baka?" Tomohisa asked from behind him and Ryo spun around to find the male looking at him with a raised eyebrow, licking a cone of vanilla ice cream.
"I... What?" Ryo asked, stunned at the fact that Tomohisa was even back.
Tomohisa smirked, "I assume you weren't talking about me."
Yuya moved a prone Ryo to the side and easily lied, "Of course not, Yamashita-kun! You should go back inside. If you take too long going back, Akanishi-kun might get worried though."
Tomohisa's eyes softened as he smiled at Yuya. He moved to ruffle the boy's hair, but Yuya swatted it away. Tomohisa pulled back laughing before entering the room.
"Akanishi-kun was right, ne, Ryotan?" Yuya mused as he led Ryo back into the room. Still occupied with the thought that Jin knew Tomohisa better than Ryo, Ryo put up no struggle. As they entered the room, Ryo's eyes were drawn to the figures of Tomohisa and Jin. Tomohisa was offering some of his ice cream to Jin and when Jin leaned forward to take a lick, Tomohisa jerked it upwards, leaving Jin with ice cream smeared around his mouth. Jin scowled at Tomohisa, but the younger boy was laughing too hard to even notice Jin's reaction. Rolling his eyes, Jin crushed his lips against Tomohisa, smearing ice cream over his face as well.
Ryo tore his eyes away. It was like looking at a train wreck. Yuya noticed the hard look on Ryo's face and mused. There was definitely something there that had to be solved and Yuya so loved puzzles.
Okay. I'm off to do some type of work. ^_^