
Apr 18, 2007 09:09

Well, I'm an idiot. ~_~;; I can't believe I screwed up posting my update. *laughs* Oh wellsie. XP But anyway. Today's the day of silence and I'm personally participating... Which I hope my French Teacher will understand. But I have no idea if he will... *shrugs* I don't know his personality that well. But he DOES like to pick on me during class, so who knows.

Not too much fandom news today.
- So apparently Arashi's getting a DVD. I read it on a couple of journals on my f-list. tenjostyle has the basic information in her lj here. While I congratulate Arashi on their DVD, all I can think is "JOHNNY, FTW?! GIVE NEWS THEIR DVD ALREADY PLZKTHNXBAI." Or something along those lines. But yay to Arashi!
- ...Koki's Solo? "Make U Wet"? Remember that? ...It's been translated. No WORDS can describe how much laughter I had when reading this. (Mind you, muffled because I'm in the library but yes, laughter... in my head. That makes me sound crazy, doesn't it?) Find it here!
- AHAHAHA! Who's better to be added into KAT-TUN, Ryo (KAT-TUNN) or Yamapi (KAT-TUNY). I'd vote for KATY-TUNN but there's no such option. Or just NAY. YAN. ANY. ...Any? Erm. Whatever. You get the idea. Other questions: Who looks better bald (Koki. LOL.) or who looks better in a dress (JIN. CAN WE SAY NURSE?) Anyway, vote here!
- insane-desire made a tribute to Shige for his 8th year anniversary. (CONGRATULATIONS SHIGE, I HEART YOU. ^_^) And you can find it here! Lots of pretty pictures. ^_^
- LASTLY, but not least. Fin has translated another MC! Summary? There's this bit at the beginning where apparently Ryo and Yamapi are the ones giving announcements and they're fooling around by ending each of their things with echoes. LOL. Boys. Again, Shige is picked on. There's Koyama who "FORGETS" to ask the audience if they love him. They ignore his story. Or well, Ryotegopi do. (*laughs*) Koyama again with some story about his picture on the pamphlet (WHY ARE PEOPLE THROWING THESE AWAY?! FANGIRLS WOULD LIKE THEM PLZKTHNXBAI.) Something about moisture and Shige's hair and how it's his rival. And they talk about his hair. And OMG, that was only the SHIGE part. ~_~;; Just read it, I suppose. LOL. It's FUN and OMG, GREATNESS. I love these boys. LOL.

Edit: MEME TIME! ^_^ Haven't done one in AGES.
Comment and I will pick 3 things from your Interests list for you to explain a little about.

Interests that karuchan_desu chose for me: Diane Duane, frou frou, Pauley Perrette

Diane Duane: Diane Duane writes one of my FAVORITE series. The first book is called "Who Wants to be a Wizard?" And well... Let's start at the beginning. I remember wanting to buy a book in Barnes and Nobles and this one immediately caught my eye because on the cover, you see two kids walking on AIR although the air's a little DARKER right below their feet than anywhere else and well. I was intrigued. It didn't hurt that the title was so appealing. And when I read it, I was HOOKED. I love Harry Potter and all, but this book has a different type of magic. She incorporates science and math and all sorts of real life into the books. And it has more of a real life feel. The main characters, Nita and Kit aren't popular or anything. Nita's pretty much an outsider and she's bullied and it's just INSANE. I love this series. It's still going on now, and I'm about a book or two behind, but I'm TOTALLY going to catch up. (Did I MENTION that Diane Duane rocks even more because she has a freaking LJ?! I friended it. LOL. She's fun and she posts about the randomest things that aren't always related to her books. And I don't mind.)

Frou Frou: I love them. It sucks that there's only ONE CD that exists but it is easily one of my favorite CDs ever. I listen to them when I either need uplifting because their songs are so damn peaceful and I love them and .. Yes, that's the most coherence I can muster up. @.@

Pauley Perrette: I haven't been able to watch NCIS recently, but I can honestly say that Abby's one of my favorite characters (Tony's the other so TABBY! WIN.) And well... Pauley Perrette is amazing. She has a REAL LIFE degree in forensics AND she plays one on TV. So if anyone ever asks her if she plays one on TV, she can say she actually IS one. So yes, she rocks and I have a bit of a girl!crush on her. Hehe.

That's it for now! I'm off to update newscan_project! So... yeah, ton of updates will be following THAT community. LOL.

koki tanaka, johnny's entertainment, kat-tun, kato shigeaki, links, meme, fandom news, list, arashi, news

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