Life for Today.

Apr 01, 2007 09:47

Just some points:
- I AM TWENTY TODAY. And no, not a joke. LOL. I actually don't like participating in April Fool's day. ...Probably because I'm literally a "fool" as my father likes to call me. ~_~;; And EVERY other single person. Oye.
- AHAHAHA! Mugglenet did their usual April Fool's Day joke! LOL! I ESPECIALLY love Micah's. (Dude, he is so my favorite in Mugglecast. And he lives in New York? SCORE to New Yorkers!)
- ALSO LOL! Fin just updated her site and ZOMG, THE MC THIS TIME WAS FREAKING GREATNESS. Click here to read. AHAHA. NEWS IS SUCH LOVE. Massu was being awkward again. They picked on Shige (ofc) who had a cold during Music Station (ZOMG, REALLY?! I COULDN'T TELL! @.@) and how he should've worn a mask. LOL. Wouldn't that be awkward on stage? o.O They pick on Koyama for going to Guam for his graduation trip when they were ALL working hard in Japan. Hehe. GUAM, really? AGAIN they make fun of Shige. LOL. BEST PART: THEY TALK ABOUT UTABAN. WHAT ARE THE FREAKING CHANCES?! And then say that they checked out each other's butts. ......OMG, KILL ME NOW. AHAHAH! They talk about Tegoshi and the "God" comments. LOL. They try to get Ryo to take off his pants... ~_~;; Yamapi gets angry again (but that's okay, he's hot.) And Ryo proclaims his love for Shige the audience. LOL. AND THIS IS JUST A SUMMARY. You totally have to read the entire thing. @.@
- OMG, I konked out after I wrote the "post of doom" yesterday and YAY, I LOVE COMMENTS. Must go reply! ^_^
- Because I totally enjoy being productive, I made another picspam on yamapi_daily. LOL. You'd think I'd be TIRED of picspams. ~_~;;
- I HAD THE GREATEST DREAM. ...Well, it WOULD be the greatest if the guy in it had been Yamapi, but unfortunately I can't remember his face. ...Okay, it really WASN'T the greatest, now that I think of it, but I was UBER happy when I woke up. I remember being part of the baseball team (...wait, was it baseball? whatever) and I fell for the captain and I remember stretching really badly and my back hurting when I woke up. But whatever. And then I got mad because my mom put me into the football team. And yes, that's about all I can remember. ...Dude, why was I in sports again?
- *yawns* Am still a little sleepy, especially since I woke up at EIGHT IN THE MORNING. Damn sleeping pattern.
- Will end post here. Because I have really, nothing else to SAY. @.@

johnny's entertainment, dreams, birthday post, random, news

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