[#001] Well, boo

Jan 28, 2019 22:26

i. So every couple of years, I try to revive this Livejournal... because, you know, life. lol. In truth, I got an email about my posts from 10 years ago and it got me reminiscing over all I used to write about and all the things I used to share, from the mundane like a WHOLE DAY'S WORTH OF CLASSES (five in one day?! what was i thinking?!) to a whole post about my frustrations with my family (largely about my mom and her treatment of me and my siblings) which had some of the most amazing comments. (Guys, I loved you all. ♥) So yes, I'm trying this again after three years even though I'm sure I won't last for very long lol. Last time's attempt lasted six months (which is kind of impressive.... but is frequently the length of time I'll last for a project before I give up [see: my 2018 bullet journal lol]). So I guess, see you guys for six months before I disappear again.

P.S. There's a new posting window thing and it's weird lol

ii. Checked out my intro from 2016 and hahahaah, the catch-up post basically has the same damn things. So, uh nothing new here. Life. Work. Friends. Boyfriend (haha 4 years, guys. this is impossible). Boring, but yeah.

As always, I consume a shitton of media. Like three years ago, I've fallen in love with Youtube. My subscription channels page is ridiculously long and I always have videos to catch up on. (Especially since I've gotten back into JE, but I'll talk about that later.) Last time, I was talking about Screen Junkies (who I still love) but there are so many more channels that I follow. And since I don't wanna go overboard, I'll just share one, for now. Critical Role is my newest love (I mean, if you can say newest since I've been watching it for the past year or so). It's a bunch of voice actors who came together and stream themselves playing Dungeons & Dragons. It's been ongoing for 4 years, but that spans two different campaigns. I linked to the playlist for their newest campaign, which only has about 40+ episodes. That said, each episode is 4 hours+, so it's time consuming. But as you all know me, I multi-tasking like a mo-fo, so I'm always doing something while watching, so it passes pretty easily. Anyway, if you've ever been vaguely interested in D&D, I recommend checking it out!

Also, wanting to share this video from Jubilee: It's their "Can 2 strangers fall in love after 36 questions?" series, but this one specifically is about two deaf individuals and I liked that they kept no audio, and didn't put in voiceovers or anything. So it was nice. Check it out here.

iii. Let's go back to my mention of JE. So about a few weeks ago, I decided to get back into watching things and of course, I fell headfirst into watching all the Arashi videos. Because 1) they're probably the most active group that I still know of and 2) it's Arashi and I always loved their dynamic and 3) there are still plenty of people out there who sub Arashi videos. Hard to get into communities sometimes, but they exist. And I'm sincerely so thankful that there are still people who generously share/sub videos.

And so, I guess it's particularly timely that I got back into them a few weeks before they announce their hiatus. I guess my thoughts on this really just boil down to, take care of yourself first. If Ohno wants to take a break, I think it's his prerogative. They've been working pretty full-stream since their debut, and over the years, with their rising popularity, their schedules are constantly filled, constantly managed, and constantly exhausting, I'm sure. And while they do talk of going on vacation here and there, just like any job, when you get back, it's like, man, I need a vacation from that vacation. And for Arashi, I'm sure they couldn't do that. So, if they go on indefinite hiatus and Ohno quits, you know, it'll be sad, but if it's for the good of their own mental state, yeah. Go for it. If they come back, I'll be ecstatic. Whichever case, I'm rooting for them. (Also, I'm going to Japan March 2020, and I fucking hope I can see them in one way or another lol)

iv. Randomly, because my first post of 2016 brought up cross-stitching, it made me remember that I still love cross-stitching and I actually tried to find all my old kits and stuff. I thought I'd brought it to my new place (aka my boyfriend's place), but I can't find it and now have enlisted my sister to see if it's still back at my house. UGH hope I can find it. That said, I may have bought two new kits the other day so hahahahahah.....hahaha....

And with that, it made me think of how I have too many hobbies. I'm still bullet journaling(ish). I made a new one for 2019 (as Cyn got me a new journal!) and so far, so good? I kept it way simpler from 2018 where I did a layout for every week, and that became way too much of a hassle. Instead, right before 2019, I did a monthly spread for ALL TWELVE MONTHS over with, so that I'd have no excuses. All I have to literally do is fill in my day's activities. It turned out pretty well, so here's to hoping I can maintain it. Like I mentioned earlier, I stopped around halfway through the year. lol. Rooting for sticking to it until July!!!!! XD (The only things I kept up-to-date with were just my Media consumption and my allergy shots schedule lol. So the important things.)

And also, I started jewelry making this past half year? Like, I got so obsessed that I bought all these materials to make stuff and I even gifted my sister and mother pairs of earrings because, um, they technically asked for it lol. So I'm trying to expand a bit in design.... I'm primarily focused on making earrings. 1) Because it's all I wear and 2) it's easier to recreate them, I think. lol Maybe I'll share pictures in my next post (haha.)

v. Lastly, one of the things that takes up a lot of my time is I volunteer over on AO3. It's a lot of fun and I really enjoy being a behind-the-scenes kinda person. There's not much else here because I don't wanna get into details about what I do and where, but I just really love AO3 in general as a website and uh yeah. That's all. (I also needed a fifth bullet point because, you know, me and nice numbers and all.)

SO UH. YEAH. THIS WAS LONG FOR NO GOOD REASON. I should've probably cut it somewhere but I'm too lazy to figure out where, so just yeah. Hi?

archiveofourown is my favorite place, but earrings are so pretty, youtubing all the time, fandom eats up my life, reccing those who deserve it, je boys have a life you know, rambling is what i'm good at, je has taken over my brain, arashi was the original member ai, je fandom is the best, too fucking long omg, i have too many hobbies, cross-stitching is cool thnx, i am really boring srry

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