[#014] Tiredddddddddddd

May 30, 2016 17:34

i. Sammy and Ri left today!!!!! Had a shit ton of fun that involved trying to make margaritas (hahahah). I cut myself a bunch of times, spilled all sorts of food over me, dropped things left and right, even somehow broke a unopened bottle of hot sauce we bought THAT DAY. I don't know what was up with me yesterday, but I was really, as Sammy said, just a hot mess. lol What can I do? We also broke out my board games, and they got really into Ticket to Ride which was a fucking lot of fun. *___________* They taught me how to play 500-pt Rummy (I think that's what it was called) which was ALSO a lot of fun! And then today before they left, we got into like hours long discussion on media, racism, representation, jdramas, and fanfiction. Probably other things too, but I can't recall exactly. It was just really interesting and I enjoyed the opportunity to talk about these things. *_________*

ii. All that said. Despite the fact that I definitely got a LOT OF SLEEP. I am still super sleepy. lol I watched a couple of things (finished off the jar of salsa we were using as chips dip) and now I just wanna nap. It's only 5:30 though so IDK if I should risk it because then I'll probably sleep late. Again. As always. (okay yeah no different than usual.)

iii. SO YESTERDAY. Or was it the day before? I can't remember. But I was rereading some of my old posts on LJ and I refound the Vote off the Pretties meme I had done like 5 years ago. I AM TEMPTED TO BRING IT BACK. But idk if anyone would actually vote. I think you can only vote on LJ with LJ accounts. And Twitter has a limit of 4 results in one poll, so idk. It seems like a lot of work. (That said, I already started looking up photos just in case I do get the urge to go through with it. WHO KNOWS THOUGH. I am me. AKA lazy as fuck.)


v. Okay, so I put that last point in just so I could have 5 points instead of an odd 4 point-er. I promised Cyn that I'd do the 30 days of fangirlism meme in my next post and so. Here we go!
30 Days of Fangirlism

Day 04 -First, current, or favorite fandom crush
I'm assuming this means characters in fandoms? And that I can choose any of the three options? So I'm going with first. That would definitely be Taichi from Digimon. I loved him so much--his headstrongness, his determination, his (ahah) courage. I thought he was such a strong character, and I really wanted him to be happy. Although, back then, I definitely DID NOT SHIP TAICHI/SORA so I was like, yes. Go be with Yamato (who I slightly disliked because of his antagonism with Taichi lol). And instead, I was a random fan of Taichi/Mimi because, idk, I liked the stereotypes they represented and thought they'd work well together. Also, the character was cute. So yes. Definitely one of my first fandom crushes. :DDDDD

Days: 01 | 02 | 03

my friends are completely awesome, my life = woe, 30 days of fangirlism

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