[#004] Writing and Posting

Feb 05, 2016 10:04

Yesterday, in a fit of a desire to be creative, I tried to make an audio post. Except, hilariously, as soon as I started recording, I kind of... froze up, and couldn't think of what I wanted to talk about. Despite the fact that maybe an hour or two before, I had ideas of all the topics I wanted to discuss on a potential audio post. Then, I promptly forgot. I blame the two glasses of red wine I'd been enjoying while watching Movie Fights Live. (I feel like an alcoholic just writing that down.)

So it's been odd.

I've been feeling morose lately. Probably because I haven't gotten a single reply to any of my job applications, and I've been feeling so stuck. Which sucks so hard. It doesn't help that it's winter and dull and we stay indoors all the time. The lack of motivation may explain why I spent all of yesterday basically watching all the television and cross-stitching a hell of a lot. (Well, they tend to go hand-in-hand lately for me, so whatever.) I kept telling myself to apply to at least one thing, but I just looked at listings and didn't like them and then was like, whatever.

One of my New Year's resolutions this year (WHICH IS HILARIOUS, BECAUSE THIS IS THE FIRST YEAR I'VE DONE IT AND WHOOPS... YOU'LL SEE WHY) was to apply for jobs at least once every week until I get an interview/new job lined up. And I already fucked that up because I didn't apply last week. Then I told myself, well since I missed last week, I should double-down this week so that it all balances out. ....But I didn't. I technically have the rest of the week to do it, including today, but I probably won't since I do still have work, and then I'm off to B's this weekend. I'm sure I could use his computer to apply for something, but.... I just don't care at the moment. I really do want a new job. Like, so fucking much, but I have been doing this job search on and off for the past year and a half and never gotten much response. AM I JUST DOING THIS WRONG? UGHHHHHH.

Hate this whole process.

Another of my resolutions this year (god, why did I do this to myself? Oh right, motivation) was to write more. And I realized that even though I didn't write anything fiction related, which is what I'd been aiming for. I did post on Livejournal for the first time in about a year and a half.. Or has it been two years and a half? I could probably check this, but whatever, too lazy, and it's not that important. And that should definitely count for writing more. I mean, the last two posts weren't much of anything, but my post back was pretty lengthy and THAT SHOULD DEFINITELY COUNT. Because it definitely sparks something in me to keep writing, and keep talking about things I enjoy. I think sooner than later I'll get back in the swing about writing my opinions on things I've seen the past week. BECAUSE GOD KNOWS I WATCH A LOT OF TELEVISION.

Like, how did I spend all day trying to catch up on all my shows and I'm still not fully caught up. Like, I am missing, I believe, two episodes for Supergirl, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and Chicago PD. And that's not even counting the episodes that aired last night for Elementary and Legends of Tomorrow. I just really want to talk about all the television and to see previews for next week and to speculate what's going to happen. Or even just to talk about shows that aren't getting enough love.

LIKE THE GRINDER. Is anyone watching this at the moment? Because I think it should be getting much more recognition than it's getting. Rob Lowe and Fred Savage are amazing together, and while sometimes some of the jokes are tiring, like Fred Savage's Stuart getting shit on left and right which pisses me off to NO FUCKING END, it's still really funny. The last episode had Rob Lowe, or rather Dean, vs. Timothy Olyphant in a "who is more of a lawyer" mock trial that was possibly one of the more ridiculous things they've done, I think. The judge even joined in because he knew this was going to be super entertaining, and he played it so fucking straight. I LOVED IT. I just think while Dean is super delusional of what he's technically allowed and now allowed to do, he's also very sincere and that's why everyone is so forgiving of the fact that he wants to do this. He just really wants to help people, and sure, sometimes he also really loves the spectacle of it. (That said, I love Stuart the most and I feel for him every time someone, aka his dad, shits on him and favors Dean. Fuck that noise. STUART ALL THE WAY.)

Another show that should be getting love is Limitless. Sure, it's another crime drama, but it has so much heart and humor and Jake McDorman as Brian is probably the best casting. He brings this vulnerability and cheerfulness to what could've been a very dour show. I like to compare it to Blindspot, which might be a little unfair because they are telling two completely different stories. But where Blindspot has very little sunshine, Limitless makes an effort to make sure that even with the dark stories, they inject enough light in it that it makes a heavy story workable. I mean, there was an episode like maybe two or three ago all about serial killers and the way they played it, where Brian was trying to make sure he didn't lose himself, was to have him substitute all the bad words like "murder" and "blood" with "fluffy" and "unicorn." (Okay, it wasn't for those words exactly, but you get my gist.) So yeah, I definitely think Limitless needs more appreciation. I don't know what ratings are at the moment for either of those shows, and I should really check TVLine and see what they're guessing for renewability, BUT I'M HOLDING OUT HOPE THAT IT'LL ALL WORK OUT.

Okay, I need to stop procrastinating and possibly do some actual work, lol. BYE ALL. (If you wanna talk about the shows I discussed above, PLEASE COMMENT. I NEED MORE PEOPLE TO TALK TO ABOUT THESE SHOWS.)

limitless, laziness is the bane of my existance, my life = woe, job searching is the bane of my existenc, i attempt writing, lame is my other middle name, attempting to do new year's resolutions, the grinder, i am really boring srry

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