apparently my first love was when i was in kindergarden. unfortunately i have absolutely no memories of it, so i have to pretty much rely on what my mom has told me (my mom worked at the kindergarden, and the boy's mom was a friend of hers, so there are quite a bunch of stories of our 'lovestory').
awwwwww. how cute! lolol any fun stories? like, meeting at the playground and holding hands? i can only imagine kiddie love stories. they're always super adorable.
haha. i'm from seriously small place (~2000 people, or something like that). so besides the on at the kindergarden, no playgrounds there XD
my mom's favorite one is the one his mom told her after his family had been shopping in this big mall about an hour away from where we lived.. he had carried all really random stuff to the shoping cart (like lipstick and nail polish XDD).. and when his mom asked why, he said because he wanted to buy them for me. because we're going to get married XDD
my mom's favorite one is the one his mom told her after his family had been shopping in this big mall about an hour away from where we lived.. he had carried all really random stuff to the shoping cart (like lipstick and nail polish XDD).. and when his mom asked why, he said because he wanted to buy them for me. because we're going to get married XDD
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