I feel like it's been forever even though, no, as always, i've been on LJ every day, obsessively. Speaking of though...
i. I know a bunch of people are moving from LJ to DW. I'm personally not going to "move" but I have made an account in preparation for everyone else moving so that we can definitely remain friends. My username is
tinyangl/, not that that should surprise anyone, lol. please let me know what your usernames are so we can definitely be friends. ♥♥
ii. In general, Happy New Year's and Belated Merry Christmas!!!! :DDDDDDDD For both days, I spent it with family (as per usual). We had our own little party on Christmas (where we took our usual family photo shoot session) and then yesterday, we had a party at the house with my mom's cousins from Staten Island. Which I spent hidden away in my room watching cheesy Christmas movies--aka, the usual. lol Good food! Fun times! But they left before midnight (around 9, in fact) so we actually rang in the new year with the siblings all in the living room, my parents and grandmother asleep in their rooms. lol
What did you guys do? :D I hope it was good times~
iii. Because it wouldn't be a new year without doing the year in review meme! :D
2011 in review!!!
Did you enjoy this year?
I think I did! It was very active and just a lot of different things I've never done~
What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?
GOD SO MUCH. ::looks at her scrapbook:: Went to the Tribeca Film Festival (which I've always wanted to do), ushered the fancy dinners at work, white-water rafting, rock-climbing, went to a midnight premiere for a movie (HARRY POTTER!!!), went to a strip club (cough), participated in Operation Santa Claus. Just yes.
Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Yes! It was just to be happy--and I did that quite well. :D That's the same for this next year, but maybe one or two more. :D For once.
Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not yet. :D
Did anyone close to you die?
Sadly, yes.
What countries did you visit?
None, but I did travel to like 4 different states! :D
What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
....A NEW LAPTOP. This needs to fucking happen already. I think this has been a goal for like 3 years. XD
What date from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Sadly, I think 3/11/2011 is. Because it was such a big event, and so sad. D:
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Don't know if I have one? Saving up to pay for so many different trips? Especially the big one that's coming up this one to Puerto Rico.
What was your biggest failure?
Not saving as much money as I should've? Not being able to buy another laptop?
Did you suffer illness or injury?
Did you have to go to the hospital?
Nope! Thank god. XD
Are you registered to vote?
What was the best thing you bought?
UM. I don't think I have a "best thing"? Cutest thing is my new Pikachu plushie? :D
Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Everyone's awesome behaviour? XD
Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
Work. Just. In a group, work.
Where did most of your money go?
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
I think I was super excited for my big LV/California trip! :D
What song(s) will always remind you of 2011?
Hm. I'm not sure? Glee's "We Are Young"?
Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder?
Happier, I think?
ii. thinner or fatter?
Snort. The same.
iii. richer or poorer?
Ditto above, about the same.
What do you wish you'd done more?
Saved up more damn money. Slept more. lol
What do you wish you'd done less of?
Idling around. XD
How did you spend Christmas?
At home with the family! T'was fun times, though~
How many one-night stands?
Repeat of last year's answers--I'm classy like none of them hoes so none. XD
What was your favourite TV programme?
Argh. HARD ANSWER. How about top 5-10? :D which i'll answer in a future post~
Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
What was the best book you read?
Probably the Hunger Games trilogy. (Not that I've read much this year. Again. XD)
What was your greatest musical discovery?
Huh. Don't think I have any. It takes a lot to make me find new music.
What did you want and get?
Er. Most of my clothes? lol
What did you want and not get?
A laptop. I NEED THAT LAPTOP ALREADY. XD Also, that stupid dress from Pacific Sun that I really really wanted, but couldn't get during Black Friday (their stupid machines were down so I couldn't pay by card. DAMN THEM ALL).
What was your favourite film of this year?
I can answer this in a future post! :D Picspam ahoy!
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
On the actual day? I went to the dentist (gross, I know) and then had dinner at Red Lobster. I turned 24! o.o Cannot believe we're up to there already.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
...I'm not sure there is one? I think I'm plenty happy with what I had this year. :D
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
Leggings. Boots. Long shirts. Rinse and repeat.
What kept you sane?
All my friends! ♥♥♥ (And all my media. XD)
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Penn Badgley probably, this year. I BLAME IT ALL ON YOU, CYN. >.>
What political issue stirred you the most?
...Stirred in the sense, I suppose. Occupy.
Who did you miss?
This has only been lately, but boy!J. D:
Who was the best new person you met?
OH! C and I became good friends with two of our co-workers--JI and W. They're so awesome and funny that I'm super glad we became friends.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011.
I don't know if I learned anything necessarily... XD
What was your favourite moment of the year?
I don't think I could narrow it down to just one thing. So many awesome moments in one year--it's hard to pick just one thing out. ♥
What was your least favourite moment of the year?
...Probably how I started out the new year. Cough. >.>
Where were you when 2011 began?
At a bar with C, Sh, and P! :D
Who were you with?
Er. Above. lol
Where will you be when 2011 ends?
Since it already happened, I can say with certainty that I was home. lol
Who will you be with when 2011 ends?
With my sisters! We toasted with plastic cups of sparkling cider. lol
Do you have a new years resolution for 2012?
To be happy. To be better at talking to my friends--via phone or online. I want to be a better friend.
Did you fall in love in 2011?
You regret it?
Not enough to do something about it. XD
Did you break up with anyone in 2011?
That would imply I dated someone. >.>
Did you make any new friends in 2011?
Yes! :D ♥♥♥
What was your favourite month of 2011?
July, I think. Looking at my scrapbook, I did a lot of awesome things. :D
How many concerts did you see in 2011?
6! Wow, that's a lot more than I'd expected. (3 of them were ones in LV/California.) I also, looking at my schedule, went to 6 plays/shows too~ lol
Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2011?
Not that I can recall? Since I began the year with...well, a bang, I didn't really want alcohol very much afterwards.
Did you do a lot of drugs in 2011?
Never. XD
Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
The puking in the beginning of the year. ugh. worse experience ever. >.>
What was the worst lie someone told you in 2011?
I... don't know? None, I hope.
What was the worst truth someone told you in 2011?
I don't think there is one?
Did you treat somebody badly in 2011?
I REALLY HOPE NOT. DDDDDDDDDD: If I did, I apologize because it was not my intention.
Did somebody treat you badly in 2011?
Meh. Not really.
How much money did you spend in 2011?
More money than I should. >.<
What was your proudest moment of 2011?
I don't know. XD
If you could go back in time to any moment of 2011 and change something, what would it be?
None. Because I don't think there's anything I would want to change about my life.
What are your plans for 2012?
To be as happy as can be.
I pledged to do this with Cyn and Nikki! Chose the lowest amount but here's to hoping I can somehow manage writing 150k in one year. o.o I haven't written much in a long long long time. D: But at least in the beginning, I should be able to at least get some words in with
je_whiteday. speaking of, assignments went out today and mine intimidates me. T.T I don't think that's ever happened. omg, i don't know what i'm going to do. really. (i hope other ppl are happy with theirs though! D: Always my biggest worry with any exchange. D:)
v. Next post should be my fandoms of 2011 picspam! XD I took too much time to do this that I couldn't get it done in time. XD ::fail:: Also, reminder to self--make mini-scrapbook post for 2012!!!! CANNOT BELIEVE WE'RE HERE ALREADY. OMG.
P.S. My iPod seems to be broken! T.T It crashed a bit ago and I can't seem to restore it. Hoping that i'll be able to fix it because there's no way in hell i want to buy a new one, thnx. >.