An entry about television! like that's different than usual.
i. slightly woeful. i was going to write up a whole thing about it but now i'm too lazy and would rather not think about it. but in short, it had to do with age, how when i was younger i thought i'd know so much more by this point, and how stupid movies make me think i should've had one of those "experiences" by now. (substitute experiences for whatever happy ending you prefer lol.) tis all.
now for more interesting things. :D
ii. a.Watched the first ep of New Girl! It was... a little tough to swallow at times because something about it didn't feel like a sitcom. I feel like what my friends said about it is true, that the plot of this show should be more of a movie than a show, because after the first ep, where are they going to go? But it'll be interesting and I'm a little invested to stick around for a few more eps if it does well. I am a fan of Zooey Deschanel who is thoroughly amusing but I feel like they used all the good bits of this show in EVERY SINGLE PROMO I've seen. Which, yeah, they always do anyway. I do adore one of the characters--Nick--who I hope will be the love interest and not Schmidt who is okay, but as Karen said over twitter, is totally an overgrown frat boy. (I was trying to figure out where I recognized Schmidt's actor from and he was Leo from Veronica Mars!) But yeah, it was just a weird pilot--the pacing was kind of weird throughout the ep, but hopefully it'll smooth out as it transitions into a whole series.
b. Last 3 eps of Rizzoli and Isles! I swear to God every single Rizzoli has a crush on Maura. With the second to last ep and the "chess game" between Tommy and Maura, and the opening of the finale where Frankie was offended that his mom said he'd "put on some weight" in front of Maura... I don't know. But we do know that there will always be something between Jane/Maura because they are the best. Jane got so jealous when Maura's Ian came into town and Maura didn't say a thing about him to her. Yes, yes, it was because Maura was hiding something from her best friend, but really now. XDDDD no I am not obsessive shipper self, but it thoroughly amuses me how much the writers put in there that is SO OBVIOUS. Anyway, I love this show, and the last 10 minutes of the finale had me so worried about the characters, but YAY. trying to keep vague so I don't spoil lol. Also, I just love Frost/Jane/Korsak scenes because they are always so much fun and seeing Frost/Korsak bicker is hysterical. ♥♥ (I hope they keep Tommy around because I kind of adore him... you know, what little we've seen of him.
c. Ever since I watched a few eps of Law & Order: SVU in LA, I have been catching random eps on USA (they had a marathon yesterday!). It has made me seriously consider watching the whole series. Which is dangerous because IT IS LIKE 10 SEASONS LONG. ~_~;; Please talk me out of watching the entire series. Although if there are certain eps that you think are AWESOME, please feel free to let me know which are good. Because I think it's the kind of series where you can just watch one ep and not have to watch 3 seasons behind for backstory. lol
d. Other shows I saw on vacation that I've been meaning to watch: Drop Dead Diva and Franklin and Bash. Too much television, NOT ENOUGH TIME. ~_~;;
iii. TV Addict Meme! Pick your five favorite TV shows (in no particular order) and answer the following questions about them. Don’t cheat!
American Shows
(And i totally put iCarly as half a joke. XD maybe. >.>)
2. How I Met Your Mother
3. The Big Bang Theory
4. White Collar
5. iCarly
1) Who is your favourite character in 2 (How I Met Your Mother)?
Barney. Hands down. He's funny, snarky, hot and in the past season, you really see his character mature and change. I kind of love it.
2) Who is your least favourite character in 1 (NCIS)?
Does such a person exist?! If I were to say I ever disliked anyone, it'd be someone that wasn't in the main cast--like someone who's recurring but really, I love most of the people in this show.
3) What’s your favourite episode of 4 (White Collar)?
Huh. Looking through Wiki, I think it'd have to be Burke's Seven from season 2 where Peter is suspended and they have to pull a scam who is framing Peter. Enjoyed the whole episode and Peter folding and pulling a scam, I mean, con to figure things out.
4) What is your favourite season of 5 (iCarly)?
The most recent season as of now! I'm a pretty big Sam/Freddie shipper so I'm intrigued to see where they're going to go. :D
5) What’s your favorite relationship in 3 (The Big Bang Theory)?
I hope this doesn't have to be romantically, because the girls' friendship is my favorite! I love that Penny finally has girls to balance out the primarily male cast.
6) Who is your anti-ship in 2 (How I Met Your Mother)?
Hm. I don't know if I really have one? I could probably ship them all with each other. Although I'd rather focus on the friendships rather than going into romantics. Like Barney with either Ted or Marshall.
7) How long have you watched 1 (NCIS)?
God, I think I got into it.... what? During season 4? So it's now in its 9th season so 5 years?! WHAT. Wow.
8) How did you become interested in 3 (The Big Bang Theory)?
I think I just thought the premise was fun! I've been watching it since it started. :D
9) What is your favorite actor/actress in 4 (White Collar)?
HAS TO BE MATT BOMER. God, he is ridiculously pretty. *_________________* (And he acts well, ofc, as Neal. He makes Neal so charming.)
10) Which show do you prefer: Season 1 of 2 (How I Met Your Mother) or 5 (iCarly)?
Yeah, has to be HIMYM. I love season 1!Ted with his dreaminess and his hopeful romanticness. It's not that that's really disappeared, but he has grown a lot since then. And even though Ted/Robin was all in season 1, I still loved it.
11) Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 (NCIS) or 3 (The Big Bang Theory)?
Well, considering NCIS is loads longer, it's going to be NCIS. I've seen every episode of both shows after all.
12) If you could be anyone from 4 (White Collar), who would you be?
I would say Neal superficially but really, it'd have to be Peter. He is the best husband ever and any lady would be lucky to be with him.
13) How would you kill off your favorite character in 2 (How I Met Your Mother)?
WHAT. I DON'T WANT TO KILL BARNEY. T.T But if I had to, I'd probably put poison in his drink so I wouldn't mar his pretty looks lol. XD
14) Give a random quote from 1 (NCIS).
Rule number 1: never screw over your partner.
15) Would a 3/4 (The Big Bang Theory/White Collar) crossover work?
Before I remembered which show was which number, I had originally thought this was going to be a HIMYM/White Collar crossover (which btw would work SO WELL--I'd watch that!). But for TBBT/WC... I'm not entirely sure. It'd be fun seeing the characters mix together, but I don't think they really would work. Never mind the fact that they're in cities on opposite sides of the US.
16) Pair two characters in 1 (NCIS) that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
For this one... I don't know! I've probably seen every pairing for this show at one point or another so IDK what's unlikely anymore! ~_~;;
17) Overall, which show has a better cast, 3 (The Big Bang Theory) or 5 (iCarly)?
Oh come on. TBBT has to win! There's really no contest. I love the actors/actresses of TBBT.
18) Which has better theme music, 2 (How I Met Your Mother) or 4 (White Collar)?
Well, White Collar doesn't really have much theme music... neither does HIMYM, but there is a little jingle at the beginning. So I'd go with HIMYM! :D
P.S. I changed my layout! :DDDD Had to do some tweaking because of the tags, but haven't finished completely as I still need to change that bottom photo. But too lazy to fix that just yet~ Too much graphic work that I am not really in the mood to do, lol.
P.P.S. Twitter seems to be down for me! D: Whatever shall I do now?