so says my new cross-stitching project. :D It's a small (oh my god, way small) piece compared to my usual projects but I wanted something just for my desk.
small photo of what it'll look like at the end. I'm kind of excited. solely because it's been a while since I've cross-stitched. Granted, I really have no time to do this, but when has that ever stopped me? XD
image from
machineisfull. hope she doesn't mind me using it because oh this is a sentiment i appreciate. ♥
ii. RL update: we had a party at my house last Saturday. C managed to come but only for a few hours unfortunately. DDDDDDD: But it was fun while he was here. Plus LOTS OF GOOD FOOD. and we had a blast playing Just Dance with my cousins. I have a few videos of us siblings playing so heee! BLACKMAIL MATERIAL. cough. especially little brother who can totally not move his hips, but it's amusing to watch. XD
iii. Also RL: had a semi-workshop on Thursday. Got really good comments which made me feel slightly guilty since I'd written that story in half a day before it was due. XDDD but still, it was a decent story (if i say so myself) that was probably longer than most of the stories submitted that day at 11 pages. Now starting work on my next workshop piece! although it's creative nonfiction which I don't think I've ever really written before so kind of nervous. o.o
iv. i don't know how much you guys know, but I lovelovelove Greek mythology. ♥♥
zombres created this TV show for a meme and this one was for "dramedy about the Greek Gods in modern time." IT IS BRILLIANT. AND IN THREE PARTS.
1 |
2 |
3. *_____________* pictures for the people cast as well as descriptions for their "roles" and just yes. Plus it's not just Gods, but some of the heroes. AND THE BEST PART? THERE'S FIC. *____________*
Ficlets written in that universe. The writing is brilliant and just amazing story-telling and yes. I need more Greek Gods fic. IF ANYONE CAN LINK ME TO MORE, I WOULD LOVE IT. Hell, point me towards books because I honestly can't get enough of Greek myths--even being retold. :DDDDDD
v. Almost forgot,
as though i could love Craig Ferguson more. ♥