[#068] je_whiteday is officially over!!

Mar 19, 2010 22:55

ohman, now it really is over! All 31 fics. *___________* There have been some pretty freaking awesome ones. I have a few I still haven't read, a few I still haven't commented on. I hope everyone goes over there and reads up!

There's really not much I want to post, just videos! I saw these a while ago but I completely kept forgetting to post it.

Rakka Onna with Aragaki Yui
The Japanese comedy Rakka Onna (falling woman) is a mock instructional video on ways to impress and win over girls. I love Yui with Yahagi. HYSTERICAL. 1, 2, 4, and 5 are with Yahagi. :D They're the best imo because Yui gets totally flustered. lol
1) How to Hit on an Honours Student [subbed]

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2) How to Hit on Someone's Daughter [subbed]

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3) IDK after this since they're raw. lol Yui as a teacher.

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4) In the Infirmary.

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5) In front of a hotel.

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6) As a nurse.

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7) As a geisha.

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8) As an OL.

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9) Crime skit with Yui as a maid. Yui doesn't do much in this one though.

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Oooh also, ohman, today has been unproductive because I am obsessed with Trauma Center--New Blood and Second Opinion. It is just... intense. IDK why I'm so addicted when the premise of the game is to operate on people, but ;alkdjflkdjf I totally went five straight hours today playing Second Opinion. I'm actually up to like Level five chapter... I think 4 or something and I only started the game this morning. XDDDDDDDD It is seriously addicting. Has anyone else played it? In Second Opinion, I totally ship Kasal/Myers even though they're SERIOUSLY side characters. I also really like Nurse Angie although for some reason, I'm thinking she's going to get sick or something. XD There does seem to be a twist with her dad! Anyway, anyone played it? I know it's also on the DS.

Some other stuff, I found out about pw.org earlier this week from my Prose Workshop Professor. For those who write and are interested in entering contests, it's a really good site that compiles a list of contests in magazines in order of the soonest deadline. For the most part there are entry fee but the prize is also money and often enough, publication. So do check it out. I know I have a couple of people who write in my flist. :D Also speaking of writing, I don't remember if I pimped this before, but even if I did, here it is again. Top 100 blogs to improve your writing. I haven't even looked through the list myself, but hey! For everyone else. :D

That's it for me~ :D Hope everyone'll have a great weekend! I gotta get to bed. Sadly have a 4 hours bio class tomorrow. T.T DNW.

school's a bitch, i like linking to shit, gaming can take up my life, i am a fail student, aragaki yui is made of cute, school is a torture device, a video you all must watch

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