[#100] Happy 4th of July (to those who celebrate)

Jul 04, 2009 15:30

And I guess, a happy birthday to Jin and Massu as well! lol

i. What are you guys planning for today? :D My day's going to be pretty boring since we haven't done anything special for July 4th in a couple of years now. *shrugs* Patriotic we be?

ii. So! The past three days have been pretty busy! I actually went into the city Wednesday night and stayed at the apartment for 3 days (coming back Friday afternoon). Why? Because I went to Shakespeare in the Park to see The Twelfth Night with *drum roll* Anne Hathaway! *_____________* She played Viola/Cesario and was brilliant. Plus she sang at some parts and omg, the last song totally astonished me. So, for those who don't know, Shakespeare in the Park is basically a free show in the middle of Central Park at Deli...croix? Theater. To get tickets, you have to line up before 1 PM and each person can get up to two tickets. The key though is to go as EARLY as possible because dude, that line grows fast. So Thursday morning, C, boy!J and I got to Central Park at SIX in the morning in order to line up. THERE WERE ALREADY SO MANY PEOPLE IN FRONT OF US. C was like, should've gotten here at 5 like I was thinking. lol And mind you, they only START giving out tickets at 1, so we were there from 6:30 (we'd gotten lost XD) to 1 in the afternoon. 7 hours of just sitting down and entertaining ourselves. Of course we had a blanket to sit on but, omg, the floor was so damp that it was pretty disgusting. PLUS, the rain kept coming and going so at points we had to just have the umbrellas open next to us JUST IN CASE. XD Only once, thankfully, did it really pour hard. O.O

But the time passed by relatively quickly! Especially compared to last year, but we figure that was 1) the company *cough* and 2) THE HEAT. Last year was SO FUCKING SUNNY that we thought we were going to die from the heat. This year, because of the rain, it was actually quite cool and comfortable--both C and I were wearing sweaters to keep warm. lol At one point, we were playing Dominos and C had this huge box of Gobstoppers and was telling us to help her finish it. Boy!J and I refuse so she decides to incorporate it into the game. Winner gets one gobstopper, losers get 4 or 5 depending on position. SO HORRIBLE. At one point, I had like 9 in my mouth. T.T After some time, C decided to be nice and eased up on the rules--it became 1, 2, 3. But really, that wasn't much better. lol Boy!J was like, I can never eat gobstoppers AGAIN. And as such, C continuously offered us gobstoppers throughout the day. The glare boy!J gave her, HYSTERICAL.

*to decide who went first, we'd janken for it (yes, janken, because my influence on C has been strong. :D)
C: Okay, winner does J.
M: *dying*
J: ?? What'd you say?
C: I call dibs on the cola!
(J'd discovered he'd had condoms in his bag and two of them were mint flavored and cola flavored. Also a running joke. XD)

Omg, also funny joke, J'd been reading the horoscopes from The Onion (which is just a prank newspaper) and C's horoscope ended up being something along the lines of her getting divorced because she wouldn't give up a Philly cheesesteak or something like that. I forget how this started but then, we started joking that C and J were married and then got divorced, then married again and then divorced. And again and again. It was so funny. When Sh joined us later, the story escalated and J apparently was cheating on C with Sh, then Sh proposes but J rejects her because of "commitment issues." Then it turns out Sh and C are in a relationship but C wants Sh to teach J about AHEMAHEM. (lol) Then later in the day, I ended up married to J and then we divorced. ...We're really a messed-up group, aren't we? lolol

Um. There was so much more funny in those 7 hours. We were dying some of the times--especially when we were so hyped up on candy. Anyway, we got our tickets (really good seats, especially compared to last year when we were literally in the LAST ROW) and we met Sh at Uno's where we had like AMAZING food. omg. So delicious. I had a steak quesadilla which was a fucking appetizer but HOLY HELL WAS SO GOOD. *__________________* Everyone pretty much loved their food although boy!J was being a baby and wouldn't finish his last slice so I ended up eating it for him. lol AND THEN THE DESSERTS. Oh GOD. I rarely eat dessert because usually my meal's more than enough to satisfy me, but C and Sh wanted to try out these mini desserts so C got this brownie sundae thing while Sh got this like... apple pie-ish kind of thing. I usually dislike chocolate but the brownie was so soft it was breath-taking, but BUT. The apple pie thing? OHMYGOD ORGASMIC. It was so fucking good it was ridiculous. Boy!J even started making up a new WORD to describe how good it was. I even got one for MYSELF it was so good. *_________________* "Orgasmictastious" (or something ridiculous like that). Seriously guys, I was so excited to have it in front of me that I totally forgot to take a picture. One bite and it MELTS in your mouth. omg. just thinking about it makes me want to get some more. *________________* IT WAS SO GOOD. OH GOD.

Anyway, moving on. We still had more time to kill so we ended up going to B&N where we waited for P to show up. There were a lot more laughs here, a lot of sugar crashing and at one point, I think our conversation was so perverted that we scared off an old man (we were sitting in the cafe area). XDDDDDDDD I don't even remember what the hell we'd been babbling about. (Might've been that lessons conversation between Sh and J.) When it was like a few minutes before 7, we left to go meet A and then head to the park. That's when the rain started coming down. omg, it was so heavy. I was so worried that the show would be canceled because as fast as the time went, we still WERE there for 7 good hours. aldskfjlsdjflksjdf Before A arrived, there was a pet shop right next to the meeting spot so we took a sidetrip inside. THE PUPPIES WERE SO CUTE. omg, there was one that started jumping up as soon as I approached it. T.T If ever I wanted a puppy... T.T I would love one, so badly. ;alkjdsjflkj RIDICULOUSLY ADORABLE.

Blahblahblah, meeting up. Rain stopped. We arrived and got relatively good seats although we were all the way to the left so it was a weird angle. Otherwise, definitely closer to the stage than last year's LAST ROW seats. lol The show itself was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed myself although at the beginning, I was getting a tad sleepy and may have shut my eyes for a couple of seconds here and there. lol Plus, I forgot how hard it is to get into Shakespearean talk when it's BEEN so long. (Took me a scene, but I got it!) Anne Hathaway was brilliant, but my favorite characters had to be Olivia--apparently played by the lady from Private Practice--because she was ABSOLUTELY BONKERS. I loved the actress' little thrill of laughter when she ran off. Also loved Andrew who was uber stupid and in love with Olivia and being played by Olivia's uncle and whatnot. He was so so so stupid, but so endearing. I adored him and totally pitied him at the end, poor boy. But really, that ending scene was the BEST. all the confusion and all the insanity and sliding on hills and Orsino confusing Sebastian and Viola. HYSTERICAL. It was definitely worth the wait.

iii. I don't really have anything else to say, so here! Have a song that I've had on repeat ever since I got the single.

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Bonus! SMAP-related. This one is the Tokimeki Meter segment that I've only seen TWO of (and totally want to pick up more once I find out what episodes have what) where basically, three of the SMAP members have to act out scenarios and make the actress' heart pound the hardest. Absolutely hysterical! Ito Misaki [subbed] and Maya Miki [subbed]. I swear you guys are going to love these. *_____________* I know I did.

perverted talk is the best, where's this money coming from?, why do i not have a food tag?, a video you all must watch, maya miki can have my babies (or i hers), smap, my friends are completely awesome, my comedy is twisted, new york is loads of fun

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