If you have seen it, OMG, WHY DIDN'T YOU EVER SHOW ME?
This, guys, is ridiculously adorable. Aragaki Yui and Koide Keisuke on a date on this show Koisuru Hanikami. This is pretty old actually (beginning of 2006, I think the date was), but OHMYGOD. THEY ARE RIDICULOUSLY CUTE TOGETHER. Watchwatchwatch.
aragaki yui : Hanikami dateUploaded by
acdticojp. -
Discover videos of people, family and friends.It's so cute that I can't even put it behind a cut. Thanks to
calledinvain for pointing me towards this. THE CUTEST THING ON THIS PLANET (and that's not just because of Yui-chan. KEISUKE IS JUST SO CUTE. I ADORE HIM). The audio goes out of sync like halfway, so hope that won't turn you guys away? XD