[#071] Pimping Stuff.

May 12, 2009 11:01

...Because when I'm sitting in the school computer lab and an open post window, there's really nothing else better to do! :D

i. I've been reccing Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog to my friends for the past couple of weeks. To the point that I ended up rewatching it as well recently and grabbing a copy of the soundtrack because I love it so hard. (I do need a better quality though 'cause the one I got kinda sucks. D:) But anyway!!! If you haven't seen the awesomeness of Dr. Horrible starring the absolutely amazing Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Felicia Day. I love it so hard--the songs are amazingly done and the acting is top-notch imo. Plus it's absolutely hysterical. NPH is fabulous and really the heart of the entire thing. ♥♥♥ I pimped it before when it came out, but the videos came down... But now... :D

Act 1: Part 1 | Part 2
Act 2: Part 1 | Part 2
Act 3: Part 1 | Part 2

Trust me, you won't regret spending the 45 or so minutes watching this.

ii. Princess and The Frog Trailer. I can't tell you how excited I was to hear that Disney was going back to the animation that I loved so hard as a child. Oh man. I know there's a bunch of controversy behind this, but whatever. I JUST WANT TO SEE IT. *__________________* So excited.

iii. Also! Does anyone remember the Aiba vs. Pan-kun health test competition thingie that I uploaded here? Well, it got subbed! It's not up for download, but it is up on Youtube for those who wouldn't mind watching it there. :D

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

iv. Arashi - 2009.03 Potato - 55 Questions. The responses to the questions were hysterical. I twittered here and there, but I didn't even get to comment on all the ones I really wanted to.

Things to note:
- Pretty much all of Nino's responses--there's something so dry and humorous about his responses.
- Okay, someone needs to tell me if I'm remembering wrong, but I could've sworn Aiba sucks with spicy food, so I was a little surprised that his favorite food IS spicy food. Well... I guess you could still like spicy food even if you suck with it. lol
- Also, Matsujun puts way too much thought into his responses, which may explain why he took over 40 minutes in responding.
- Nino and I have the same thought on favorite color! I can wear it sometimes, but recently, I realized I don't really like wearing blue all that much--unless it's jeans, but does that even count? XD
- Nino's response to his strong point. I like how it's in 3rd person. XD
- Matsujun's hobby is boring. ...~_~;; 'nuff said.
- IDK why but hearing that Aiba's parents call him "Masa" made me go all flaily. I mean, it makes sense, but idk. lol
- Oh! Nino's and Matsujun's answers to what they want to be called by their child was just hysterical. Nino's has this feeling of being a dad... or that's just me. XD
- For the most part, doesn't everyone dream that they just one child of each gender? :D Although the thought of Nino surrounded by mini-Ninos amuses the crap out of me. I'm imagining him walking in front of a litter of like 7 mini-Ninos and then he turns back, kinda nods at them and then goes "Get over here" with that smile he almost always has. HORRIBLY AMUSED RIGHT NOW. ♥♥
- I like how both Sho and Aiba would like to play villains in their next role. Sho... okay. Aiba.... .....yeah.
- And just the last 12 or so questions. Made of amusing. :D

v. Okay no links here, but random RL conversations:
Me to C: ...What. WHAT. I've been a fan for two years and you've been a fan for two months, and you've already had a JE dream? AND WITH YOUR FAVORITE?! Totally unfair!

(This was on Saturday before Mother's Day.)
Me: So where do you want to go for lunch?
Mom: I don't know...
Dad: Sandy Hook. [The place where my dad always goes to fish.]
Me: (lol) You're a little early, aren't you?
Mom: Yeah, Father's Day's in June.
Dad: Just suggesting.
Me: So where do you want to go?
Dad: Red Lobster.
Me: DAD!
Dad: I'm just suggesting! It's the closest.
Me: ~_~;;
Mom: Then Jade Kitchen. We can walk it.
Dad: (lol) That's over a mile. You can walk it. I'll drive.
Me: (lol)
Dad: And then after the meal, you can walk back too.
Me: Well, that'll help burn off all you've eaten.

(At Red Lobster's with the waiter. I'd been translating for the whole time with the orders.)
Mom: *Off the waiter's look* Yeah, they're all deaf.
Waiter: Oh? I've always wanted to learn sign language.
Mom: Yeah, she's an expert.
Me: What! No, I'm not. *to waiter* I'm really not.
Dad: Yeah, she's a teacher too.
Me: No, I'm not! *to parents* You guys are TROUBLEMAKERS.
Waiters: *somehow didn't hear me* *2 minutes later* So where do you teach?
Me: *sputtering* I don't teach. They're just joking.
Parents: *DYING*
Me: *after the waiter leaves* YOU GUYS ARE SUCH TROUBLEMAKERS.
Parents: *still laughing hard*

There's probably more, but my memory's faulty as we know. so this is all I can type. XDDD My parents are so horrible. Red Lobster with my family was great though. (Despite what I posted before this one, my sister DID end up getting off her ass and going. And I'm glad she did. It wouldn't have been the same without her. :D)

disney = my childhood part 2, a video you all must watch, my parents are crazy, arashi was the original member ai, i like linking to shit, aiba with animals is utterly adorable, i really love my family, neil patrick harris is frigging awesome

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