[#057] This Is Probably The Earliest I've Started A Post Lately

Apr 15, 2009 12:26

...And it's only 11 A.M. XD I don't think I've woken up after noon all of Spring Break. Go figure. XD

i. First of all, I promised jeneralize that I'd upload the Waratte Iitomo Haru SP for her and since it was a pretty big file, I thought I'd post it up for anyone else to take as well.
2009.04.13 Waratte Iitomo Haru SP
Teams: Konkatsu, Atashinchi no Danshi, Shiroi Haru, BOSS, Majo Saiban, Waratte Iitomo
704x396, 2:07:17, 1.76 GB
Download Links: MU (Split Files: .001-.003 are 500 MB, .004 is 310 MB) [.001][.002][.003][.004]

P.S. I wasn't originally going to pick up BOSS, but for some reason, I found myself on the Wiki page and Toda Erika looks hot. Plus, detective drama~ My thing. :D Here's to hoping it gets subbed though. *sigh*

ii. In other fandom related things that I've watched:
- Eikura Nana on Domoto Kyoudai. Subbed. This was the time she went on promoting Mei-chan no Shitsuji and uber awesome. My main reason for pointing this out is because for the question, "Who is your best friend in the celebrity world?" She answers Nagasawa Masami. After that, I imagined her, Nagasawa Masami, and Mizukawa Asami hanging out somewhere, being loud and laughing a lot. Kinda awesome.
- Ayase on Shukudai-kun. Raw. I had been waiting for this ever since I saw the pictures from that game they played. And I wasn't disappointing. So fucking funny. First of all, when she comes out, the sign outside her box says that she'll appeal with her boobs. Then Arashi/Ogura-san get into a conversation about if she'll just show her boobs or not. And yes. That's within the first five minutes. Then Arashi tried to set up Sho and Ayase which is a bizarre pairing. What I really wanted to see was more Aiba/Ayase interaction... for reasons I'm sure you all know. There was also this pudding that was shaped exactly like a boob and Matsujun and Aiba tried to suck it from the nipple. (God, this is so dirty.) Then the GAME. AHAHA. THE GAME. Best part had to be for Ohno, Nino and Ayase's team where they were originally going to have Ayase just pop the balloons with her hand (since she was allowed to touch them--again, this sounds so dirty) but that didn't work out so Ohno and Nino started attacking the floor. One of Nino's boobs balloons wouldn't pop so Ohno sits on him. They're so ridiculously funny. All in all? Worth a watch even when raw. But I doubt we'll have to wait long for it to get subbed.
- VS Arashi SP. Raw. (I linked to the a_ra_shi but I don't know how quality compares to the one at team_oichii which is where I got mine.) GOD. Took me forever to watch this (and with good reason, sucked up a lot of my time). But it was really quite funny. I was kinda cheering on the Mezamashi team because they were kinda made of awesome. Since it's long, just some random points of interest (mainly centered around Mezamashi team, weirdly enough). For the pinball runner, I thought it was amazing how the female Mezamashi host got 240 points with just the basic balls and Ohno got 290 only because he got the pink ball. All I could think was "KICK ASS." She rocked. She would've gotten more too if the basket hadn't fallen. Too bad. But still. AWESOME. Then there was the pipe catch between Mezamashi at catch and the comedians at choice. LOLOL That host was ridiculously adorable. If it was me, I probably would've done the same and bent to her will. XDDDD THEN. There was Sho vs the Mezamashi host. LOLOL It came right after the last match-up so Arashi urged Sho to appeal like the girl did. Which he did. Fluttered his eyes and everything. Then Arashi pointed out it's like a TV host competition! So they started making "conditions" where if Sho won, he got the guy's job at Mezamashi and if the guy won, he'd join Arashi. lol I like how Nino pointed out that he'd be doing the raps too. Dying. Then third, it became an "ikemen" competition and then both the guy (who's old, mind you) and Sho started posing where they were. I LOVED how the old man put his leg up on the counter and kinda stretched back. So fucking funny. And that was just in the first half. Dies. Random insert, their new bowling game was awesome. I kinda hope that this week, they'll have it again. Aiba did awesome, getting so many pins in just one go. LOL to Arashi's reaction though. They were like, NOW THE SECOND PERSON WON'T HAVE MUCH TO DO. I loved how before it was decided Aiba'd go, they played janken because they all wanted to. Aiba ended up wining. Then for the second one, NOBODY wanted to go, so this time, they played janken and whoever lost had to go. (It ended up being Ohno.) Still, hysterical the change in them. It was a good watch, as the VS Arashi's tend to be anyway.
(Fuck, that section was long. O.O)
- Perfume on VS Arashi. Subbed. This is kinda old, but I'D BEEN WAITING FOR IT TO BE SUBBED FOR AGES. I adore Perfume, because they're so tennen. Especially A-chan. alkdjalsjfd She's ridiculously tennen, but so adorable that it kinda balances out. lol I felt bad for Arashi though, because they were kinda at a loss for what to say because of that. Laughed really hard. It's just a fun watch. ♥
...That was a lot of Arashi, I realized. I swear I've watched other stuff. Just nothing worth mentioning. That I know of anyway. XD

iii. Now random fandom links! Not videos obviously. XD
- Kusanagi Tsuyoshi professed his love for Aragaki Yui. lololol Amuses me to bits and pieces. For those who didn't know, they starred in a movie together (Ballad: Namonaki Koi no Uta) and this was for a PR event. It was obviously to promote the movie, but still. So fucking funny. I still can't imagine how the two would work, but eh. The movie comes out in September. :D (In Japan, that is. lol for us, it'll be out like half a year later? Longer? idek how long DVDs take to release there. Here, it's about three months after it stops showing. Or maybe longer. I forget.)
- Nino/Masami rumor!!!! It's not terribly advertised out there, but I'm a huge Nino/Masami shipper. I think they'd be awesome together and I can just imagine her interactions with Arashi (give me a Masami guesting, Japan! XDDD). So hearing this made me kinda go all squee-ish inside. On top of that, I hadn't realized they had been going out for five years. Geez. Although this brings me to Nino's guesting on Chou Gout Temps Nouveau. In it, he talked about how he's okay with cheating and that it's happened to him before. Even better worse is that the person his "lover" cheated on him with was someone close to him. ...Okay, so thoughts of Masami/Yamapi or Masami/Ryo may have come into my head when I read that. XDDDD (If it was Masami/Ryo, that would've made the filming on Ryuusei no Kizuna really interesting.) My random thoughts aren't true (I'm just being a terrible gossip), so ahaha, don't take me seriously. XD
- Horikoshi Class 1-D! ...Why am I linking to this? I know. So random, but guys. Shida Mirai, Yamada and Kamiji in the same classroom. IT MEANS A TANTEI GAKUEN Q REUNION! :DDDDDDDD How awesome is that? Plus that class is kinda supercharged (granted, they only posted the celebrities in that class, but nonetheless). I recognize most of those people. Plus, Shida Mirai, Nishiuchi Mariya and Irie Jingi, also a reunion for Seigi no Mikata. Go figure. :D (I didn't realize Kamiji was the same age, honestly. For some reason, I thought he was much older. *shrugs*)
- Okay, so if you haven't heard yet, you're missing out. Shigeaki Kato gets sexual in "Seminar." It's really the first part that's important, if you couldn't tell. lolol I seriously love this. Shige's playing a sex addict in his newest butai. Even more awesome? He's starring with Kato Natsuki. (I love how in the news clip, they were like, Kato and Kato! Clever.) But seriously. There's going to be love scene upon love scene. God, I can't even imagine. This is Shige. ...Scratch that, I can imagine it well. But a;lsdkjfalksdfjkl Want to SEE. omg. If ever I wanted a fancam of a butai, it'd be THIS ONE. Geez. *_____________* (Most likely there will not be a DVD but shit, if I could only hope.)

iv. I don't know how much you guys know about my obsession with RPGs--in that, once I start one, I will keep playing for hours on end until I finish the damn thing. Well. That has been happening with our new game, Final Fantasy X. See, I don't think I've mentioned but my sister got her ex-boyfriend's PS2 since he didn't want it anymore, seeing as he now has a PS3. So, we got it. In the past week, AR has also bought two new games to go with that--Kingdom Hearts and Dynasty Warriors 2--which I've been kinda binging on because I seem to be the only person who gets video games. (More on Dynasty Warriors though because I kinda rock at fighting games.) Anyway, last Sunday, my family went to Palisades Mall to celebrate my birthday and Ar's birthday (which was on the 13th) as well as apparently ring in Easter with all the other families in the mall. Seriously, it was surprisingly crowded. Anyway, we ended up going into the EB games store where I bought Final Fantasy X because a;sldkfjalsdjf been wanting an FF game to play and that was the only one there. Ever since then, I've been practically playing nonstop. It would be more if I wasn't trying to be a diligent student at the same time, but asldkfjaskldj Yuna and Tidus kinda make me laugh. It's funny how they're the main characters but in a fight, I tend not to use them because they're the weakest. It's kinda sad. Even if Yuna has the aeons. ...Speaking of, the aeons are kick-ass. I love the sequences when they appear because omg, so cool. *_________________* I've only used Valefor and Ifrit so far (I got Ixion but haven't had the chance to use him yet) and Ifrit's is my favorite because dude, he SPRINGS FROM THE GROUND and then Yuna lands on his shoulder before getting off, and just kinda awesome. I may/may not ship Wakka/Lulu even though omg, she was going to marry his brother and all I could think in my head was LOVETRIANGLELOVETRIANGLE even though Chappu's dead, but whatever. I kinda love Kimahri of very little words because he's kinda made of awesome. And Auron's just powerful. Seymour simultaneously scares the shit out of me and makes me think he's awesome, because... ...no, I really have no reasoning behind this. Otherwise, I kinda just enjoy playing (even if that stupid sphere grid pisses me off, but whatever). It's fun! :D And after I finish typing up this post, I'm going to go play some more before reading! :DDDD Yay~~~
iv-a. Also in gaming world, I played and finished Dream Chronicles The Chosen Child yesterday. It's the third (and last?) installment of the Dream Chronicles saga. Lkajsldkfjalsk It was a lot tougher than the first two, imo, because I actually had a bit of trouble in this one. More than once, I wished there was a hint button to FIND SOME OF THE DAMN ITEMS. It was that rough. But otherwise, loved it. Was a decent ending to the story although somehow, I felt it was a little anticlimactic, but that could've just been me. Otherwise, GREAT games. Adored it and dude, I finished it in one day. I am made of awesome. :D

v. Lastly, because this post isn't long enough but you all know my obsession with getting five points. Brief update on C. She now ridiculously adores Shige. :DDD Especially after she found out about his j-web which she looked up herself to my dying amusement. But best part is that in looking it up, she couldn't tell fact from fiction and ended up reading fanfic. Dying. When she told me, she was really being round-about and so, I had to ask her point blank, "Did you read smut?!" (I don't know why I didn't just say porn, but whatever.) And she started cracking up. That's when I knew I was right. Apparently, she kept reading because it amused her. ~_~;; Even funnier is that she was at fucking work and in between work stuff, she'd read a paragraph then go back, then read more, then go back. My friends.
Speaking of friends, THIS FRIDAY. 17 AGAIN. PICNIC AT CENTRAL PARK. God, so excited. If only because I HAVEN'T LEFT THE HOUSE SINCE SUNDAY. I = hermit. XD

God, posting takes me forever. I am such a babble mouth. ~_~;;

uploads, i have too much free time, fandom eats up my life, rambling is what i'm good at, final fantasy x, shige really is a johnny's, my friends are completely awesome, je has taken over my brain, arashi was the original member ai, i like linking to shit, relationships in the entertainment busin, gaming can take up my life, i am a je pimp

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