The LG Vu. Touch screen, yo. :OOOO It's charging right now so I haven't tested it out much, but SO COOL. *_________* I am a little sad that they only transfered my contacts information and not my photos and ringtones, but hopefully I can get that fixed.... Somehow.
i. More funny from my parents.
So I wasn't the only one to get a new phone. My dad did too. Actually he chose the phone I ultimately have. lol Because apparently we're always matching. Now my mom got a new phone ages ago when she ruined hers. I originally thought it was because of when she'd cracked the screen with a pen (total accident) but apparently it was because of water.
Me: How'd you get it wet?!
Mom: ....Washing machine.
Dad: No, no, she put it there because she wanted a new phone.
Mom: *silence, glaring at dad*
Mom: That's not nice.
Dad: The truth hurts.
Seriously. Poor mom. My dad was cracking up like whoa and SA who was at the table too laughed hard when I explained to her what my dad said. XDDDD My parents. Made of so much win. ♥♥♥
ii. Update on C and Arashi! SO. Apparently she loves Nino. Which, ahahaha, somehow doesn't surprise me. She also has been watching videos without me having to prod her. And as such is starting to know most of their names. :DDDD And now, I am steadily going through Arashi video after Arashi video. Guys, you all know how I'm like about master lists. I want one now. Like there's that one for Shounen Club episodes that lists what happens in each one? I want one for Arashi shows because I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME TO WATCH EACH AND EVERY ONE, PEOPLE. T.T That is way too much material for someone who should be spending her time on other things. XDDDD
iii. First, this point is going to be all about Kuroki Meisa. Because she's hot.
1) I usually enjoy watching Kuwazugirai despite not understanding half of what's being talked about, but shit.
Meisa vs. Nari? I don't know why but it like explodes with HOTNESS. They kept giving each other these looks and um, I believe they should have a drama together. Where it's all just tension and arguments and really heavy making-out. ...although the last one is less likely, it'd still be very welcome. :D
Meisa's Bad Girl PV came out. Um. Yeah. ...Just hot. Did I mention hot? And still hot some more. Because there is no amount of times I can say "hot" without it being enough. Hothothot. Damn.
3) I wasn't going to have a third point, but felt just two were pathetic.
Hot. And oh look, my icon.. I am horrible and hotlinking. I apologize.
iv. Random Links. (I was going to say what I've been watching lately, but lord knows that has been mainly Arashi stuff. Here's the NON-Arashi stuff.)
omg, so funny. Sakamoto, Nagano and Okada trying to surprise Go for his 25th B-day. Subbed. And said surprise kinda going down the crapper. lolol XDDDDDD I LOVE SAKAMOTO IN THIS. (Oh please, when do I not love him? XD)
K-chan NEWS with Tego and NEWS' Party Time with Ryo. Subbed. SO FUNNY. I love that they're subbing these. We get little things like in the Tego one, Tego and Koyama plotting to always cosplay in concerts from now on. JUST LIKE HOW YAMAPI DECLARED THAT GOING TO ONSENS FOR BACKSTAGE VIDEOS IS THEIR THING TOO. :DDD I so approve. And the one with Ryo was just so funny--His declarations of love to Tegoshi... Massu... Kusano. Talking about going shopping with Massu which surprised me. And of course, his "dislike" of Shige. That one was mentioned a lot. lolol
KAT-TUN PERFORMING RESCUE ON MS. Holy shit impressed. I haven't been impressed with KAT-TUN for a long while. This was AMAZING. *_______________* AND THE SONG IS SO GOOD. OH GOD. I am now glad that they didn't do a double A-side. One Drop would've dragged this song down. XDDDD
v. ....Well, I'm at a loss. I guess that's it for me! Going to go do... some semblance of work. Maybe I should write. ...I should probably write. Yes. That's a good idea. XD