Or really that I'm back in school? I keep posting and posting and posting. XD Remember those huge gaps of time in between my posts? 3 or 4 or even 5 days between? (Okay, not so big, but it is. Kinda. It's me after all.) Yeah..... School starts and I've started posting daily. You guys are stuck with me, sorry. Unless you don't want to be. lol XDDD I wouldn't blame you.
i. Riddle! I'd forgotten to give the answer.
NEWS = 1
V6 = ?
The answer is
1! What they're counting are symmetrical (I had to look this up which is fail because I should know this word) letters! They're the same sideways or you know, through a mirror or whatever. I thought the KAT-TUN one was a bit of a cheat because they included the "-" but whatever, that's considered part of the group, right? lol NEWS has the W. KAT-TUN has AT-TU. TOKIO has the TOIO and V6 only has the V! Thus the answer to your burning question.
ii. Random Question.
Why is the keyboard shortcut for pasting things "ctrl+v"?
Today I had to teach my dad how to copy and paste links through Youtube because he wanted to download the videos and had to paste it into the downloader and blahblah. So he got the shortcut for copy easy. "Control and copy." Then when I was showing him paste, he was like, "Okay. Control and video." as in the v stood for Video. lol I was like, er, no. Then realized in talking to C later on the phone that... wait, why is the shortcut with the letter v. I theorized because it's close to the letter c on the keyboard and since they pretty much go together... *shrugs* If there's a legit answer, I'd totally like to hear it.
iii. I managed to finish Hanayome wa Yakudoshi earlier today without really knowing where I'd left off. lol. Despite that, I thought it was a pretty good ending. I do remember that the middle dragged to the point that I was ffing past some points, but they're lucky I took a break because I might've dropped it. lol (Yes, they. As though they care whether or not I actually finish a drama.) Also watched Sho's Yonimo Kimyona Monogatari (I think that's it. I'm too lazy to go look back.) and was thoroughly amused. Sho being all weirdly bad was just... really horrible, but whatever. Was amused by the development at the end and the horrid faces he pulled throughout the episode. Ummmmmm... Oh! I watched other videos but I want to mention briefly episode 4 of Q.E.D. Yes, I'm following that and must be the only person I know that is. It's kinda shit but I like detective dramas and am always curious how the protagonist(s) find out the solution at the end. Plus it makes me feel better when I figure it out before anyone else. XD Episode 3 was actually really good for that reason (although the end result was kinda unbelievable but ignoring that). Episode 4 was one of those HAHAHA, if you can't figure it out, you're stupid. It also had shit acting and once again that male lead (co-star?) seems to be carrying around gay undertones from Gakko ja Oshierarenai because I swear his bff from America was in love with him. But that may be me talking here. lol Also, they totally made up a lot of the episode with some romantic tension towards the end. This drama knows me so well.
iv. Fic Recs!
What's My Name Again? by homiten. Recced by Nikki and just a;lkdfjalskdfj First of all, Ryo (and the rest of K8) as the deadly sins? a;dlkajrljdlfkj Talk about hitting a kink that I love. Ryo's Pride. And awesome. And kick-ass. AND AUS ARE MY LOVE. lol Okay, that second part is just me speaking, but I did really like this. I like the insert of Dante too bytheway. It's short, but still good. There's a second part also with Yasu as Lust. A Little Thing Called Lust. I am probably going to stalk this place for parts. Or wait for Nikki. Whichever comes first. lol
Five Things That Happened to Toma After Meeting Maki by
calledinvain. FIC WRITTEN FOR ME THAT I'D REQUESTED AND TOTALLY FORGOTTEN ABOUT. SO MADE OF LOVE. :DDDDD I just love the dynamic between Toma and Maki and mischievous Maki and Shun. And omg, Mizushima Hiro who's totally perfect and effortlessly so. a;lfasfjlkjd Just love. ♥ (Did I mention lots of love for Toma? TomaTomaToma.)
- Okay, this last one is a bit of a ... I can't believe I'm reccing this. Because I usually hate it when people pair drama characters as a substitute. lol Usually apparently has become rarer and rarer lately.
Life After The End by
kirakirakingyo. ...Hokaben's Katase/Ryuusei's Taisuke. AKA Ryo/Shige but in drama form. I don't even know why I decided to read it, but I did. And found myself 1) really enjoying it and 2) ....Enjoying it to the point of reccing it. Twice. (Twitter and now here.) So yes. If I like it, it must be good? Or something?
v. Other things!
I want Koyama's postcards bad. Omg, so gorgeous. And yes, while Koyama looks awesome, a lot of the desire is actually the pictures themselves. a;lkasjfdlj Sepias and grays. omg so gorgeous. I kinda just wanna see these pictures of New York. Is that dorky or what? a;lkjdflajsd STILL. NEW YORK. LOOK AT IT. THE CITY LOOKS GORGEOUS. Now that's the city I wish I could find. lol
Arashi's Believe PV Preview. Apparently I am in unpopular fandom opinion when I say that I THINK IT'D BE KICK-ASS IF ARASHI'S PV WAS ANIMATED. Hell, they'd probably spend more money on an animated PV than a fucking real-life PV. So I say anyway. DDD: I can't believe people were complaining. THEY LOOK SO COOL. And this PV would probably pull me in more than the one with them in it actually, because this song interests me like none. And even the pretty doesn't help a song for me. But well-done animation? I am there.
P.S. I think that's it from me! ♥