Because I am a proper person, I have been appropriately sleeping the times that a college student usually sleeps when on vacation (read, late latelate into the morning). I have just not been waking up at a decent college student time (read, 2 or 3 P.M.). HE KEEPS COMING INTO MY ROOM EARLY (9-11 A.M. Big range because I honestly have no idea) MAKES NOISES LIKE WHOA AND DOESN'T KNOW HE'S MAKING THEM BECAUSE, OBVIOUSLY, HE'S DEAF. AND THEN WAKES ME UP EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. SOMEONE SHOOT ME. I'LL GET MORE SLEEP THEN. T.T
al;skdjrlaksflkj Okay. Whiny post done.
Random points to make this post less useless:
- I know I haven't slept much when I check my flist and instead of going back the usual 100 I have to each morning. I only go back forty. >.> ...Okay, really, shutting up now.
- I finally watched Countdown and may have spammed twitter with my comments. ME + VIDEOS + SOMETHING THAT'LL GET MY COMMENTS ACROSS QUICKER? I AM SO THERE. ...Anyone that chats with me knows that I'm notorious for babbling about whatever I'm watching. So...Yeah. Sorry to everyone who follows me on twitter. >.>
- Also, important. I actually caught the NewS/Uchi thumbs up thing and decided to immortalize it in a gif.
It's slightly big and I can't speak for the speed. >.> My Imageready apparently wouldn't let me check the damn thing. WTF, fail.
- Also saw TOKIO's Dream Challenge. Fucking A++. Watching the guys play soccer is just a;kdfjlsdfjalksj Grab it
here. And I just. Yeah. I want to save my comments for
jep_cast but I feel that I'll forget so let me get some things down now. 1) Taichi is awesome captain. He was the only one (okay, wait, no. I think Nagase had the ball at one point) who was able to get close enough to be able to score. One time, he misses entirely and the other time, he kicks the ball into the pole which was so made of suck. DDDDD: 2) Tegoshi gets big number 10 (apparently a big number in soccer? but correct me if I'm wrong) but I barely see him do anything. The only time where I'm like EEEEEEEEEEEE over his soccer skills is during practice when he shows up for the first time. 3) T.T WANTED MORE SHO. He didn't even really appear in the practice clips all that much. 4) Hina was awesome. He played a lot more than the last two people and when I saw him with the ball, he rocked. He even did this nice pass to the supposed pro. >.> (Okay, I'm being mean.) Anyway, just sad. 5) NAGASE. lol I just love him, but the important point to remember here is when Taichi brings out the pro to add to their team, NAGASE TOTALLY FLIPS AND IS LIKE FANGIRLING IN THE BACKGROUND. I totally died.
- People should write for the
anon meme. I haven't as of yet (been too focused on getting my holiday fics finished--five more left damnit). But for everyone else who isn't currently occupied by other writing projects (AHAHAHAHA. Okay everyone who writes pretty much has multiple unfinished fic, or so has been my experience anyway) should totally go out there and write! I have a couple tabbed off, but we'll see. Still have those five to work on, after all.
- Edit: I almost forgot this, but thanks to S or D (I can't tell which of you use the twitter at which time, lol), they linked to this Yamaki fanvid that is utter hysterical. It's not like a normal fanvid where it's just scenes of them, but has an actual damn plot. So funny. Plus you get appearances from Jin, Toma, Ryo at one point. ;sldjlsjalkj Seriously. WATCHWATCHWATCH.
Click to view
- I need sleep.