[#35] Lost in Austen Episode 4, and brief Bones, Episode 5

Sep 25, 2008 08:31

Lost in Austen Episode 4.

askdfjal;sdfja asd;kajsdkf *INCOHERENTNESS* Okay, so it was rather abrupt. I can't blame them for that, they only had 4 episodes (maybe five would've fixed everything up nicely), but you know what. I didn't mind at all. I just wanted to say ONE THING before it all. This was like score one for the Mary Sues. ...Just saying.

Lizzie looked adorable in her short hair, seriously. And her complaining about Darcy before Amanda told her that they should talk. Loved it. There wasn't much of the Darcy/Elizabeth (okay, there wasn't ANY) and that slightly disappointed me, but I guess the reasoning would be that the entire show was Darcy/Amanda. Again. Score one to the Mary Sues. lol Um. She goes back to Hammersmith, aka present day!London. But they sure were hella vague about that. >.>

a;sldkfjalskjf Wickham. While him and Caroline could make a weirdly good couple - I imagine escapades with multiple women. ...On both sides. I feel like he was kinda cheated in the "let's give him an ending" category. Seriously. Like they were at a loss as to what to do with him now that the writers had redeemed his character in our eyes. I can't imagine him running away with Lydia now. (P.S. Her and Bingley and "I suspect she was bored." kinda killed me. XP Also, P.S. the actress that played Lydia was rather adorable.)

AH. Speaking of Bingley. askd;jraksmdfas,marksdfjasidfu;l Okay, just KEYSMASHKEYSMASHKEYSMASH. a;slkfjaslkdfjklasjdklfjaklsdj I was ridiculously happy with the scene in the garden. The first one where she was like, this day will be the day where we forever acknowledge we were in love in our SEPARATE LIVES. And then kisses him. Swoon. It was just amazing. And then the second one where he's pretty much saying that he'll throw everything away to marry her. I was just giddy. "We'll have 25 children. And name them all Amanda. Even the boys." *die* Oh Bingley. How are you so endearing?

"Tally ho, Wife!" Mrs. Bennett (and Jane) finally snapping at Lady Catherine. Amazing. ;alsjdfkalsfjd Glad to see a spine underneath all that. I was rather proud of Mrs. Bennett, and yes, she might've earned a point or two for that. It was rather hysterical seeing her snap at Lady Catherine and accusing her of cheating at cards. Who would've seen that coming? Plus, after it, Mr. Bennett asking if he could sleep in bed with her and her pretty much throwing herself at him, how happy~

I don't wanna say anything about Amanda/Darcy. Mainly because... Well, it's weird. I'm happy, yet I'm like. Hmmm. I don't even know. Just the one comment, and that's the fact that he was arguing with her to make her smile. Ridiculously cute, okay?

Bones Episode 5

First thing's first. Zach. Finally. FINALLY, we catch sight of Zach and what had been going on. His hair got hella long, and that admission at the end that he didn't really kill anyone, aka plunge the knife into anyone, is totally going to come back at some point. I kinda feel that this should've been changed with Episode 4 in the Hodgins sense, because it's kinda going backwards in his anger, but whatever. Um. Just. Yeah, I wonder if they're trying to angle it so that Zach'll be able to come back into the workplace. Which I don't think I'd really like. >.>

Right. Back to work. I really am dragging my feet to write this paper. ~_~;; At least I feel better prepared.

lost in austen, bones

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