...But that's not entirely true. I've watched so much videos that it's probably not healthy! Newest fondness? Psych. But more on that later.
i. My first point so that people can easily read the rest of this post in case they worry about spoiling themselves. But really. Is it much of a spoiler to know that Yamapi and Ryo were hot? :D
Hip thrusts = win. :DDD AKA do this over and over boys.
Speaking of doing over and over again. Nnnngh. Yes please.
Oh, and just because I can...
Seriously. I want to put this somewhere front and center so I can just stare at it and giggle. Repeatedly.
ii. So Psych. I watched this when it first came out but I've been so massively behind. So for the past... oh, I'll say two days. I've been watching it. Finished Season 1 yesterday, and started on Season 2 today. a;sldkfjalskdjf I'm such a sucker for damn detective dramas. And even though this is totally unorthodox - I mean, a guy using his observation skills (fine-tuned by his detective father) and pretending he's a psychic - it's still absolutely hysterical and really awesome. :DDD Plus, I may be a huge fan of Shawn/Juliet. And while I have not seen that episode yet, episode 2x09 where it looks like they're kissing but not? a;lsdkjrkasjdf;lasjdf MY HEART.
Anyway, found this fanvid and was all happy. :D And am now sharing.
Click to view
aksdjflaksjdfklj I really liked this. And I'm not even that big on fanvids!
Juliet: Okay, do we know each other?
Sean: Yes. You were the girl who stole my seat.
First meeting for the win. :D
P.S. Maggie Lawson! It's been so long. Anyone else remember her from Model Behavior? *showing lameness*
iii. Fic Rec! Apparently good fic is getting more common these days. Thank you everyone. *_____________*
This Is How We Bond by
silver-rose88. a;slkdjraslkdfjaskdjasl IT'S NINO/RYO. NINO/RYO. NINO/RYO. ;alskdjfalsjdflajsd YESYESYES. When I'd made a call out for Nino/Ryo, I hadn't expected a fic so soon. as;irjaskdlfj I just. This was awesome. Nino's down-right prickness and Ryo trying to resist, but come on. Nino knows well. I imagine lots of fics coming out when the drama promotions start, but a;sldkjfalksj Yes. THERE'S ALREADY NINO/RYO FIC. My heart. *_______________* I love it.
Deep Thoughts by
agirlcalledkil. Oh come on. Like you really need me to go into detail why I pimp her writing. Because she rocks. Pin. Smut. Yamapi being half naked and groggy for the first half. Jin being a bit of an idiot. I seriously LOLed at him hitting the door at the first line. Seriously. Absolutely amazing. :DDDDD
iv. Videos you should watch:
SMAPxSMAP - Kimutaku and Shingo, Cannes Movie Special, subbed. That last part being the most important, I bet. :D But really. This was hilarious. Shingo and KimuTaku being led around Cannes by some mystery girl just for soccer tickets. a;lskdjflkasjkd Insanity. At each stop though, they had to pass some sort of "task" before they were given the letter that she "left behind." Seriously. I'm impressed that they went through most of it. lolol I mean, they weren't horrible tasks. Although, I still find the sushi owner guy in the first task to be a complete douche. But otherwise, they weren't horrible at all. Big LOL at the beginning because they walked back and forth past the beginning point like 4 times. It was awesome. Same with the "jump." So much love. (Plus, Shingo's got a filthy mind. I love it.)
Show wa Hey!Say! with Leah Dizon. ;alksdrjaisdfj;lksfj;lkasjd OKAY. I will admit to it. I actually would love if someone would sub Show wa Hey!Say! Just in general. Because just the concept is awesome to me. And look. MAYA MIKI. But no. She's not the shining light in this video. Yes, I'm not the biggest Leah Dizon fan. But, but. In this video. The three Happy!Jump boys (Yuto, Yamada and Morimoto) and the two guests get to "seduce" - please, hit on - Leah Dizon and whoever "gets her heart" gets her CD. Should've been at least a kiss on the cheek. Now that'd be a prize that pubescent boys would latch onto. Their reactions after their turns... Just a;ldkjalkrsdjlkfj Yamada's was totally the cutest. Although, Yuto must've said something suave or something. SOMEONE TELL ME PLEASE. T.T And then the second part, apparently she told who she generally admired (according to the post). Guys. Even I was stunned. Totally like. WTF. Seriously. Watch for the reactions. That's really where the laughter is. I would pick up the entire episode but... >.> That's a lot of talking that I wouldn't understand. lol
v. Meme! Kinda, anyway.
There was that 5 favorite fics you've written meme going around, and I kinda wanted to do the ...erm, opposite. Instead of me saying what my favorite fics are. I'm asking for people to tell me what fics they liked that I've written. I was going to say 5, you know, so that it's the same number, but that may be too much. @.@ So instead, I'm saying 3. :D So yes. Please comment three fics of mine that you've read and liked. And if you can give a reason why (or if that's too much thinking - don't), that'd be great. :DDD (Really, I'm being attention whore-ish again. Sorry.) Fic list, as always, is over
here in case you'd like a refresher. This could also include drabbles, I guess. :D