...Mainly because I'd bore myself to death even more than usual.
i. Because this should have its own fucking point.
If there's going to be a Mummy 4, shoot me. Like, seriously. Put me out of my misery. ://// Way to ruin one of my favorite series. Seriously.
ii. And it gets its own point, my review for The Mummy 3.
I ranted about this yesterday during my voice post, but not enough. I just found out that the person who'd written the previous two movies, and directed them, didn't come back for the third one. Not to mention Rachel Weisz didn't come back either to reprise her role as Evie, aka Evelyn. So the original writer and one of my favorite actresses don't come back for this movie... and why were my hopes up again? ://// Talk about an hour and 40-50 minutes of my life wasted on this tripe. It may be one of the worst movies-...No wait, White Noise was absolutely shitty and nothing can beat that. ...Or Closer. Anyway. This was a shit movie. Plain and simple.
The dialogue in this movie was crap. Even though the original screenwriter was uncredited on IMDB, I am banking on the fact that even if he wrote the original, the "new guys" totally tore it apart, because everyone felt wrong except Jonathan. Although lame call-back to the first movie with him and the camel. Either ways, Jonathan (and the yak) were the shining points of this movie. Oh and Michelle Yeoh. But she practically had no role. For only 5 minutes on screen. (Okay, maybe 15.) I didn't like Maria Bello as Evelyn. Not one bit. She felt wrong for her. None of that same spark that I was used to - the chemistry between her and Brendan Fraser was like, non-existent. And quite frankly, she bored me. The only time she was cool to me was that scene in her office where she was trying to figure out what to write, and started mock fighting with the sword and then the fight with the lieutenant or whatever that other female was. That was cool. Other times, she pissed me off.
I didn't mind the book thing - it kinda amused me, but still. >.> aewkirjas;kldfjaklsd And then there's Brendan Fraser. He does well as Rick, I mean, he's the same actor and all. But the dialogue they gave him was atrocious. I mean, talk about crappy. Almost every other line out of his mouth was like those cheesy punch-lines they give the hero. I was about to KILL HIM. :///// He did the best with what he was given. Then the KIDS. AKA Alex and Lin. Oh GOD. What passed as supposed "sexual attraction" was just fake and cheesy and I was just about to kill them. Strangle them and hope it hurts. :/// *violent* It was just that bad. Alex was just... His actor was bad. There was never a scene in there that I thought, oh hay, well acted. Nope. Just plain bad. I didn't like him. And I thought any scene with them alone was grating. They had no chemistry and the movie was pushing way too hard on the idea that they should be falling in love. Nope. Didn't work. (What happened to the Alex I adored in the second movie? Bring him back. Had more acting skills than the so called adult in this one.)
And then the FIGHT SCENES. I love the hand to hand fight scenes in the first two movies. Like fuck. One of my favorite fight scenes has always been between Evie and Anuk-su-namun. The second one. And in this movie, they sorely disappointed. The one between Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh should've been smoking awesome. Like rivaling anything we've ever seen. Nope. Sucked. Lasted like 5 minutes and was shit. Like pure shit. The only thing that made me woot in this movie was how they KILLED Jet Li's character with the broken knife. With Alex coming from behind with the tip and Rick pushing in the hilt. Now that was made of awesome. Like serious. I would've applauded for that.
Otherwise. DISAPPOINTING. I spent most of the movie cringing and laughing. Cringing WHILE I laughed. This was a waste of a movie. I'm going to go pull out my Mummy movies - both of them - and refresh myself as to what passed as a good movie for this franchise. T.T Not this pain of a movie that hurt my soul. I wanna forget it even exists. It was just so bad. :///// PLEASE. NO FOURTH MOVIE. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE. BE SANE PEOPLE. IT WAS SHIT.
iii. Okay, now that that's done with... My real life for the past two days.
Monday: Talk about packed.
- I got into the city early so headed straight to the apartment. Plus had to drop off my big bag of goodies clothes to stay overnight.
- My mom pulled out her "mom" cap when she found out I was staying overnight. *hangs head* She's going to have to get used to it this month though. I'm going to be out more what with J leaving soon and C's parents not being home for a month.
- First order of business was food. a;sldkfjaslkdjfklj Sandwich from the local deli - ham and cheese on a roll, lettuce and tomato, mayonnaise, vinegar, salt and pepper. God, it was delicious. Gobbled that down in NO time. And to top it off, had some Sprite as I watched the blooper episode from SMAP x SMAP.
- Side Note: Everyone should watch that SMAPxSMAP from last week. Reasons why:
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- Side Note Addendum: In case you needed verification, that was Kusanagi and Nakai (in a girl's outfit) lip-locking and Shingo looking on.
- Managed to nap for two hours before I headed out to Cafe Zaiya before meeting up with friends to grab a snack.
- MAN WAS IT CROWDED. Managed to get two Curry Pan and one Melon Pan though. :D
- I ate one curry pan for myself, gave the other one to C who hadn't eaten breakfast, and even though I hadn't known J (the male) was coming, thankfully managed to give him the Melon Pan. :DDDDDDDD
- IT WAS DELICIOUS. I can't even begin to say. I want more now. a;lsdkfjalksdj I had two more later at the end of the day though. :DDDDDDDDD Oishiii~
- Went to see the Mummy 3. Had my heart broken. T.T
- Afterwards, had my life put back when we went to Chipotle for lunch. Had half a burrito, saved the other half for later. God it was good. I wanted to finish the entire thing but anticipated being hungry during the movie (the one in Bryant Park).
- We went to Cafe Zaiya again lol. Bought more curry pan and melon pan to snack on in Bryant Park. blahblahblah. Onigiri too. :D
- Went to Bryant Park 15 minutes before 5, so that we'd be able to get a good spot on the Lawn for the movie (it was Alfred Hitchcocks's Life Boat).
- Oh, just a small explanation, Bryant Park has these movie nights (outdoors) where they have this huge screen in the front, huge speakers. In front of the Great Lawn, where people lay out blankets and relax so that once the sun sets, the movie starts (approximately at 9). It's awesome, crowded, and lots of fun.
- What's not fun is the actual waiting from 5-9. ://// They start early so that people can get spots. 4 hours out in the sun... Not really great.
- Well, really an hour and some odd minutes. The sun ducked behind some buildings and after that. GLORIOUS SHADE. *___________________* At one point my friends ditched left me alone to go to the bathroom and buy drinks to man two large blankets by myself. I'm surprised nobody bitched at me. lol
- "I rode my daddy last night." No context will be given because I'm cruel. :D
- S met us at the park. Then A came later (mainly because C gave her the wrong time on purpose. XP *horrible*). Then near 9, An, J's friend, came too. When the movie had started.
- We got so bored just sitting there and rambling about random things that we started playing the game Password. as;kldjflkasjd We're lame.
- Before that, I managed to nap. Man was it nice.
- Only problem was that the blanket was thin and the grass was damp. My ass was wet for that entire night. ~_~;;Talk about annoying.
- The movie was good. Much MUCH better to spend on time than on the crap that was the Mummy 3. I loved the lead actress. She was fabulous.
- After the movie, we walked to 34th from 42nd to a diner for dinner. I didn't eat much of anything (having finished off my burrito at one point near the end of the movie) except Cheesecake. God that was really good cheesecake.
- S's cousins came with us. Twas amusing.
- The conversations throughout the day were hilarious. I just don't remember many of them. lololol
- By myself, I'm boring.
- Left the apt at around 3, mainly because I woke up at 1. lol I am such a sloth.
- Went to Jazmart to buy myself conditioner. asldfjaksdjfl;askjf Tsubaki. <3333 For some reason, it was cheaper than usual. I was like, whatever. 3-4 dollars less than usual? Who's complaining.
- Bought some sushi and Strawberry soda for lunch. Sat there and watched Pokemon and listened to Scott Mills' podcast just to pass the time. lol
- Walked from there to 14th and into Barnes and Nobles where I camped out for about two hours reading magazines and finishing the second half of The Magician which I'd started when I went out with my sister last week.
- LOLed because *gasps* the book spanned two days and the start of a third.
- It was as fast-paced as the first. Want the third book now though. Apparently it won't be coming out till 2009. And the fourth 2010. :/// And there are two more after that. Fuck, what have I gotten myself into?
- After I lazied enough around there, went out and just.... walked.
- IDK what I was doing other than that. Walked and walked and walked and listened to KAT-TUN. And walked some more.
- Managed to get up to 42nd near 8 something and was like, whatever. Might as well go home. Which I did.
- Stopped by McDonalds and grabbed a Big Mac for food.
- Went back to the apt and watched some more random videos.
- I TOLD YOU, I'M BORING. T.T I didn't have any goal that day other than to buy Tsubaki and once that was accomplished, was at a loss for what to do. XP
iv. To-do List.
- Tomorrow: Go to the city with my sister to finish all her Medicaid application.
- Saturday: JEP Cast recording
- Sunday: Going to the movies, plans with friends that'll be expanded later
- Tuesday: Shakespeare in the Park with friends
- Next Week: Call best friend, J, and make actual PLANS.
- This Week: Watch Sapuri... what episodes are they again? o.o
- Time two episodes of Domoto Kyoudai before Tuesday
- Karaoke time the rest of Disk 1 for Crys.
- Sleep and eat should always be on a to-do list.
v. The wank going on in the K8 comm makes me never want to be a mod. Seriously.
P.S. I hope everyone's feeling better. Is there something in the air?? o.o
P.P.S. This week's Arashi no Shukudai-kun was crack. They had to have been ON crack. lol Or at least AD Aiba-san must've been. Just random point, the part where they came out of commercial break and they had to turn to Sho to introduce the next part, but he wasn't there. ...Because he had to go to the BATHROOM. I died.
P.P.P.S. Because people may miss this.
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