[#72] What Do I Do When Pissed?

Jun 25, 2008 18:28

Watch boys make fools of themselves. lol. Wouldn't you? :D

i. Before that though... I would totally like to wish partypaprika and jadedfrenzy a happy birthday! I have fic with your names on it, but sadly couldn't manage to finish in time. T.T But trust me, it'll come. :D

ii. I got "tricked" to bring my mom's friend into the city yesterday. And it turned out better than I thought since I got to see the musical, Hairspray. So, so good. *____________*

iii. blahblahblah, whinewhinewhine over the fucking fact that damn 3 more guests are joining our house. That makes an annoying amount of eight guests. whinewhinewhine. I can't wait until this week of hell is over. >.> blahblahblah

vi. I can't believe the Shige I'm about to picspam is the same Shige in this shot. Fucking hell, I want this pamphlet SO BAD now. *______________________* God, Shige. GOD. FlailFLAILFLAIL.

v. The picspam portion! I'm totally rusty, so this will probably not be funny. lol

Download Links: The Entire Episode [Raw], Ai-Q Segment [Subbed]
(Subbed by newshfan!)

Who knows why Koyama did that. All I know is that when he moved to go back, Shoon tried to kick him. :DDDD

Totally on playback after we find out they lost. *snerk* I don't know why I had that Shige one, but that Tegoshi one looks hilarious. ...LOL ONE OF THE CHOICES FOR THE RED TEAM WAS ACTUALLY KUSANO. (It was a monomane competition. lol And the red team totally pwned the blue team with 9 to blue's five. Fail adult team. FAIL.)

LOL I think they said that Kusano looks like that kid. And Kusano totally just said "onii-chan." :D

And here we go again. Otoko whatever word that I just missed. >.< lol. I'm so over thissss. Can't we get onto another series. ~_~;;

That is so not Shoon and Taiyou. Totally not. Especially not Shoon hugging Taiyou and Taiyou proceeding to scream like a girl afterwards. So not.

Aren't Koyama's legs purty? >.> (And the text to the side says "Skirt?" *snerk*)

Kusano sees his prey...

Kusano attacks! Koyama screams like a girl!

Koyama gropes! Perfect way to ward away an attacker... I'm sure.

And then they proceed to play a really bad form of ring around the rosie. With pink frame to boot! (The teacher yells at them that it isn't a dance. But why not?! It's so much prettier.)

(And for some reason, I didn't cap it, but Hikaru loses his wig at one point and shows off his awesome (read: really bad) ...wig hair? What woud you call that?)

Ai-Q!!!! My favoritest of all segments. *___________________* I so wish they'd kept doing this. Honey~ Darling~

Why stare at the real thing when you have a photo frame of his good looks? (Especially in that pose. What was that, Darling? Practicing for JE?)

*giggles* If you can even SEE IT, Massu Honey has puffed up his her cheeks as he she complains that Darling's at work all the time.

As compensation, a kiss~

And Darling uses the frame to get out of it. They're on television, you know. No kisses in front of the camera! Save that for backstage, yo.

Then Honey gets uber excited! And says the kiss was "katai" aka, "hard" ~_~;; Hm. I wonder if that could be twisted. "It's hard!" .... No comment.

Shoon Darling gets all demure and embarrassed and trying to keep his hands off so backstage action will be better ... What? Is it still too early to make this joke?

Meat Spaghetti!!! ...No seriously. Only purpose these caps serve. FOOOD. *___________________*

And of course, as is typical, Darling tries to take the food. And Honey shows off those muscles he she has gained from all that housework~ ...And other excerise activities.

I think Darling is staring at Honey's hands out of fear that they'll come up and pin him down to the couch and have his way with him or the cleaner version, strangle him for not having enough ai. Or back to the dirty version....Actually, no. I'm going to go above that and have you guys think of your own. XP

Darling complains that it's troublesome! ...Bad idea, music chimes just started. Prepare the tissue!

Spotlight on!

Commence sob story. "He's changed!" "Aishiteru yo, Honey."

"Ehe! ♥" There's really not point other than to say that Massu does that voice awfully well.

During thinking time, Massu/Honey decides to dance Yume Monogatari... To different lyrics. >.> About pasta and the ai quiz. Oh, honey. You should so use those lyrics. I'm sure it'd be a huge hit.

Then Darling tries to join in and...

Time done! Denied~

Live stage! ...I think I capped this just to show you guys the awesome pink boas. Pink. Boas. Two words that should never be together. Okay, Johny? Please to be listening... reading. Whatever.
And oh hay, they perform the real Yume Monogatari. ...That may explain the pink. *shot*

Oh come on, the look on Tegoshi's face. Totally LOL

Pose. Pose. Oh Tegoshi. Way to emo it. XP Especially in that second one.

For once, Shoon's actually confident in his answer! Now... Does it pan out?

As the text says... "MASAKA...!!!"

Honey doesn't think it's possible in the LEAST. And then she rips off the sheet, and oh hay, what'd Darling say again?

"In yo face!" (Or not.)

And because Honey is vindictive and would rather Darling not win, or because she's actually happy for him. .... Nah. she sets off a noise maker right next to his ear. Awesome prize.

Even better prize?

Having your Honey feed you the spaghetti. Even before he's swallowed. lol

Honey says he deserved it~! Awwww~ Mark this the first time (and only time) that Darling gets an answer right. ...Cherish this moment. XP

...I. I just really found this funny for some odd reason or another. o.o

I have no idea what the heck is going on in this section but um... Yeah... XP Just take the caps for what they are, I suppose. XP

And this is how Tegoshi gets into chairs. It's a lot easier to just sit down.

Awww~ Don't they make awesome schoolgirls! ...Boys? ...Girls? I'm not sure which they're supposed to be!

Koyama just hit himself in the head. I'm not sure WHY.

This only makes me think that I want sushi. XP

Oishikatta! Oh come on. Like that's not the cutest, most girliest thing you've ever seen. With a heart to boot!

Next episode has a new segment! ...Kinda. Sneak preview?

...Seriously. Don't ask me.

Wow, it really has been a while. lol. XP ...En...joy?

bread and whine, my life = woe, yax3, picspam, shige really is a johnny's, my friends are completely awesome, my parents are crazy, je has taken over my brain, i have a shit memory, new york is loads of fun

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