[#019] Damn You, KAT-TUN

May 05, 2008 18:47

I've been on this semi-hiatus for the past... ALMOST A WEEK. (damn it, so close.) But noooooo, a fancam of their 8 minute PV for Don't U Ever Stop came out and I had to work like hell to get that damn video to load. The first streaming video of it was such fail on my school computer. It took about 30 minutes to load twelve seconds. I was so pissed ( Read more... )

kat-tun on my journal?, i have desires like crazy, i have too much free time, random is my middle name, i am a greedy little one, a video you all must watch, news is made of so much awesome, my friends are completely awesome, my comedy is twisted, i am fucking crazy, akanishi jin is smex on paper (and off), too many tags for no reason, perverted talk is the best, lame is my other middle name, boy bands are eternal, je has taken over my brain, technology = fail

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Re: a;sdkfjasldfj; WANT. tinyangl May 12 2008, 02:25:36 UTC
Okay! Last part-o~ ...I just realized the last two parts randomly changed tenses. lolol the dangers of writing it in different parts in COMMENTS.


They quickly find that as difficult as it was to defeat the woman in white, it's proving to be rather difficult to get her to Tegoshi.

"We cannot keep her hands in a water bubble the entire time!" Kame insists, giving Taguchi a worried look. Taguchi returns it with an easy smile, but even Jin could tell the strain it was taking on Taguchi, and Koki for that matter, to keep their prisoner captive.

Luckily for them, the club doors open and Tegoshi walks through, Ryo following behind him. "Look what the cat dragged in," Jin quickly snorts at the sight of Ryo.

Ryo throws him a dirty look. "I'm more surprised you're still walking. You actually survived the mission?"

The other guys throw Jin a confused look, considering the last time they'd seen Ryo, it hadn't been under good circumstances. "Tegoshi, what are you going to do about..." Nakamaru asks, jerking a head towards the woman who was glaring darkly at the newcomer.

Tegoshi preens. "I knew asking you guys to do this would work out well."

"Why didn't you just do it yourself?" Ueda snaps, still wincing even though Jin and Kame had done their best in trying to mend his wounds on his back.

"I'm only one person," Tegoshi says with a pout.

"You have more powers than any of us combined," Koki snorts, arms crossed.

Ryo barks out laughter. "You can't possibly think Tegoshi's almighty."

Jin, who's standing closest to Kame, hears him mutter, "He sure acts like it." Jin hides his snicker behind a hand.

"It's better to see him in action," Jin says loudly before nodding towards Tegoshi. At this point, the woman in white is starting to fidget fruitlessly in her spot, eyes widening as Tegoshi's eyes started to glow a similar white as the lady's had done long before.

Jin has only seen Tegoshi do this once, and when he did, it had felt like a mixture of pain and emptiness and power all at once. He suspects that the person getting this done to was feeling the same, only amplified by 10 times. She wants to scream, Jin can tell, but the white light surrounding her muffles all the space around her.

Taguchi stumbles backwards into Jin, but Jin can't look away from what he's looking at. It's practically blinding, but Jin thinks he needs to see this. Bit by bit, light travels from the female's body towards Tegoshi whose hands are out in front of him and light is being absorbed by his hands, light engulfing his body slowly but surely.

"Is he... taking her power?" Taguchi gasps in Jin's ear, hand steady gripping Jin's shoulder.

Jin licks his lips and nods slowly, watching as the last bit of light leaves her body and into Tegoshi's. With that last one, she collapses to her knees and lets out a yell that makes Jin wince for her. Tegoshi stumbles backwards, Ryo steadying him.

"Your power is to take others?" Kame asks, voice hollow.

Tegoshi nods slowly, pale as the light surrounding him starts to die down. "The dirty title for it is the Hoarder," Tegoshi explains, settling into a stool that Ryo had brought from near the bar. "I don't keep the powers, taking them from those who mis-use them and giving it to someone made for it and will use them properly."

Koki stares. "How can you even judge that kind of thing?"

"I don't," Tegoshi says simply.

Jin moves to the woman, the only one who does, and tries to help her stand. "I'm sorry," he whispers softly. "That must feel like hell."

She snatches her arm out of Jin's grip, standing up on her own, and tears stream down her face. It's a bit startling for Jin to notice that without her powers, color returns to both her hair and eyes - blonde with green eyes. "You could've been something," she snaps furiously.

Jin looks around at everyone staring at him, curious as to why he'd do something so kind. "I'm already something," Jin says with a sigh. "I don't need your empty promises."

Tegoshi smiles widely.


a;sldkfja;slkdf okay, i lied. one more part. i still didn't clear up jin and koki. shit. um... right. HOW WAS THE EXPLANATION AT LEAST?!


Re: a;sdkfjasldfj; WANT. anamuan May 13 2008, 02:34:36 UTC
T________T l;kjafjkl;fajl;k

idk. somehow that was really, really sad. T_____T I DON'T LIKE TEGOSHI ANYMORE. HE'S DANGEROUS.



Re: a;sdkfjasldfj; WANT. tinyangl May 13 2008, 05:08:25 UTC
T.T i'm sorry i made you not like tegoshi anymore. He doesn't like his power any more than you do. :\\\\ but it was my way of making him "god-like" in a fic, like he is... er.. is thought to be in rl. ;alskdjflkasjfdklasjd

i'm sorry?


Re: a;sdkfjasldfj; WANT. anamuan May 13 2008, 05:29:39 UTC


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