[#017] I Should Probably Be In Bed.

Apr 27, 2008 23:23

But I don't want to.

i. Tomorrow, I go back to school. Because Spring Break is over. There is so much wrong with that sentence. T.T But I have to deal. TWO WEEKS AND A HALF OF REGULAR CLASSES LEFT. Hopefully, I do not become uber lazy and end up cutting my math classes. XPPPPP I am horrid student, I know. God. What is the matter with me lately? Anyway, after that, I have a week and a half of exams. Well really, I only have three exams, but I only know one test which is the Friday after the Wednesday we end classes. And that's just Japanese. ...Yayyyy.... ~_~;;

ii. I have been having shitty sleeping problems lately. For one thing, this past week, no matter what I do or how late I sleep, I always wake up promptly... Well, maybe promptly's not the right word, but close enough to 11 am. I think 15 minutes before is usually the trend. About two or three days ago, I think I finally figured it out. Every weekend, for the past couple of months, I have to wake up right before 11 in order to record for jep_cast. My assumption is that my body got so used to that frantic waking up (except not really because I usually woke up at nine in those cases), that it adjusted to always being up before 11. Then, the past two days, I've been waking up MASSIVE EARLY. Even though I went to bed both nights at two in the morning. Yesterday, I woke up at 7 am. Today, I woke up at 8 am. I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it. :\\\\
(Not that I"m helping matters by refusing to sleep right now when I have to wake up at 5 tomorrow. lolol I'm a special one.)

iii. I was randomly looking through my drafts on Semagic (my livejournal client) and I realized that I had saved up these quotes during my HIATUS. Which means, these are old. But at least, they're still funny.

caffeine_caffee: Don't you think my speed dial trumps hers?

Mom: What do you think happened to my earring? (She lost one of them today or some day during hiatus.)
Dad: *says something in Filipino*
Mom: *bursts into laughter*
Me: ?? Huh?
Mom: Ask your dad.
Me: What'd you say, Dad?
Dad: She used it for her engagement.
Mom: *laugh* How does that work?
Dad: Easily. You have one, he gets one.
Me: *dying in the backseat*

(This was yesterday.)
Jennelle: Oh! I got into another car accident.
Me: What?!
Jennelle: But this one happened just yesterday, nothing serious.
Me: I was about to say! If this was like last time... "Hey, Desiree. Did I tell you I got into a car accident a month ago? No big deal."

iv. My sister just texted me (when she should've known I'd be asleep so she's just lucky) to tell my parents to pick her and my oldest sister up at 12:30 AM. WTF sister. WTF.

v. I need a new wallpaper for my laptop. I have been using this one which I made almost two months ago. I have never kept a wallpaper for this long. The word is damn. I do want a wallpaper of this sometime soon. If I can just get around to making it myself. lolol. And don't get all exasperated at it easily. Damn my lack of graphic skills.

P.S. jep_cast released today~~~ Woot! I failed and earned myself a batsu point. And Peyton has five points! I'm only sad I won't be there for the embarrassment.
P.P.P.S. I'm cheating with these points, but whatever. Caught up on a bunch of dramas, will talk about those later. But REALLY. The important thing to note about Puzzle is that that dessert shop or wherever they are? Totally makes me drool every time: Evidence 1 | Evidence 2.

school's a bitch, jep cast, i = too lazy to cut, bread and whine, my life = woe, why do i not have a food tag?, school is a torture device, i notice the weirdest things, my friends are completely awesome, i'm pimping my own stuff, my parents are crazy, my familiy's weirder than yours, i am a fail student, puzzle

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