[#012] NewS PV! SUMMER TIME.

Apr 23, 2008 11:19

Ohmygod. It's been a while since I've wanted to FLAIL MINDLESSLY. I mean, Koyapimassu's performance of Nantoka Narusa was beyond adorable. But. but but but... THIS PV.as ;dlfkajslkdfjaslkdf <3333333333333 For one thing, that ending. SO MUCH LOVE. a;lskdjfalskdfj Seriously. So much love for this PV. *_____________________*

This deserves massive fic. Seriously. Like, complete AU where the six boys come together because they happen to rent a beach house together. a;fdlajsdlfkj OHMYGOD SO MUCH LOVE. *_________________*

P.S. I think there's going to be a One Hour Challenge arranged by pearljemz. Dunno if I'll be able to participate with my sucky writer's block, but what can I say? I'm easily persuaded. lololol.

P.P.S. KAT-TUN's new album!!! I knew, knew an album was going to come up. When the single came instead, I was a little thrown, but a;skfjaslkd ALBUM. And on that. AHAHAHAHAH QUEEN OF PIRATES. Frigging KAT-TUN. Only they could do that. lololol.

kat-tun on my journal?, news appearances make me squeak, news is made of member ai awesome, writer's block makes me cry, news is made of so much awesome

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