[#79] My Life is SO not Rock and Roll...

Mar 08, 2008 11:11

...So my dreams should stop being so adventure packed.

Once again, I'm pretty sure I dreamt up another movie. The funny thing is, that this isn't the first time that I've had this dream. But it feels different... I'll get to that later though.

So I'm pretty sure the premise is that I want to get home, but have somehow... misplaced myself in another world. Yes. World. I was in other worlds trying to get home and with the use of lovely warp holes, I could get home. I was accompanied by some guy - I can't remember his face clearly anymore sadly. But I relied heavily on him, depended on him a lot and blahblahblah. I can only remember two worlds. The end of one and half of another.

In one world, I think we were in jail. Yeah. Jail. I don't even really know. But we manage to escape, I think the guard helped us or something like that. And I remember running through balconies and at the end of one was this wall and roof covered in VINES. And we had to jump over it and back onto the street, but rounding the corner was one of the guys after us. Did I mention that, as per movie standards, there was one group of people who was totally after us? Anyway, I remember jumping onto the street with guy and then dashing through the street. And we round a corner and it's a fucking dead end. (Of course.) And there's two guys, from what I remember, who are slowly walking down the street. The guy I'm with is trying to cover me.... Or just stands in front of me and whatnot. And words are exchanged and somehow, SOMEHOW, one of the guys stands on top of the sewer top thing-a-majiger and this third guy comes in, and stands on TOP of his head and thus he falls through? And apparently he's chunky enough to get wedged there while the third guy continues to stand on top of him. I think the third guy and the un-stuck guy were half on our side, but half not. Because they wanted us to get to the next world, but want to appear like they weren't helping me. The guy that was stuck was really pissed and was like, "I'm going to report you!" and blahblahblah. But the guy on top of him exchanges looks with me and smirks, gives the guy a bar of dynamite... lit. And in a rush of motion, guy with me pulls me into another vortex that appeared on the fence. Guy on top of stuck guy dashes off with un-stuck guy. And zoom, new world.

Then the last world, the one I was in before I woke up... Well, I started out not with guy. AKA, I was alone. So I was trying to find my way through things, trying to find him. And I come across this restaurant. It's dark and dreary and the light is probably down on dim. It was just plain old creepy. And the owner of the restaurant is kind and asks me if I want a seat (it's a lady btw). So I say yes, hoping that I could bide time or something in case guy was trying to find me. Staying stationary would be awesome, if you ask me. What I soon realized is that this world is beyond messed up as she's leading me towards a seat, I see people sitting in chairs, leaning against tables and trickles of blood coming out of their mouth. Slowly but steadily, drop by drop. It was probably one of the most disgusting sights I've ever seen.

But we pass by these people like it's nothing. And you know what, it wasn't. Not to them because everyone's STILL ALIVE. Despite the blood coming out of their mouths. Anyway, she seats me at a solo table and tells me to enjoy myself or something to that effect until she gets news from some guy (her son, I find out) that some human with fresh blood (okay, I may be making that up. But it was some type of warning thing) was in town and they're supposed to eradicate any such person. And hand him/her over. Now, of course I'm panicking, but I can't show too much fear. Until she looks at me - eye to eye. And like she figures it out.

For the next few minutes, I am running through the restaurant, going upstairs and then finally settling downstairs in the basement or something, where it's a round of - let's keep the door knob shut so they can't get in and pushing and pulling of said door. The architecture was weird though, because the son was able to reach inside and try and keep the door open, but somehow, it still didn't work. Anyway, during the tug of war, kinda, he gets a phone call. And it turns out his daughter had been missing for a while there - they'd noticed but hoped it was just nothing. Turns out, my guy had his daughter, and they'd make an exchange. He'd give their daughter back if they stopped bothering me (let me go) and if we could use the warp hole that was coincidentally in the same room as I was now. I have the best luck.

So they leave me alone, although lots of dirty looks were exchanged. And then guy comes back and I am so ecstatic that I throw my arms over him and the little girl in his arms. Guy won't give the little girl back until the family sets up the warp hole properly and I end up getting the little girl in my arms. First, the warp hole here was kinda cool. To set it up, they had to put a table over the spot - like the kinda table you see at restaurants - and then put this huge block of wood on top of it. You could hear noises being made as the table started to change into some kinda box-y shape. Anyway, as for me and the little girl, she turned out to be the sweetest thing ever. Not knowing at all that she was being used as leverage. And so, I kept talking to her - kept telling her to be a good girl and how she was the sweetest thing ever. That she's cared for. All that good stuff. And when I go to give her back to her dad, he actually hugs me. Saying that he might've misjudged us or something. I just remember really nice words (he was cute too). And then I see guy again, and we hold hands as we jump through.

That's when I wake up. There was at least two other worlds, but I just cannot remember them. But yeah... Oh! And remember how I said, I'm pretty sure I had this dream before? I think I did since I remember that roof of vines thing. Except, and this is a big thing, I remember there being three of us. Where'd that other person go?

dreams, i = too lazy to cut, i am fucking crazy, talk about lame

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