[#39] Hi Misery.Qu

Jan 28, 2008 23:45

I haven't seen you in a while.
Also, lack of sleep! Oh, old friend~ How are you? :D

i. As we all know (or can tell by my intro at least), I started school today!!! YAYYYYYYyyyyyyyy..... Er. Yeah. My enthusiasm is at an all time low. I couldn't get any sleep last night - tossing and turning and just all around annoyance at the fact that MY OWN BODY WAS BETRAYING ME. a;sldkfjalsdkfj Ihu, sleeping time pattern. Grr. 4 hours of sleep is not enough to deal with classes from 9:30 in the morning till 7:40 in the evening (really 7:50 because our professor kept talking).

Differential Equations:
(+) First lesson of the day. Surprisingly the one I was the least sleepy for in that I hadn't nodded off ONCE.
(-) The professor that's teaching it is one that I had before.
(-) The one I had for Calculus 2.
(-) The one that failed me. >.>
(+) He actually doesn't seem to be teaching half bad.
(-) He still does the "You have homework, but I don't check it." >.> That does not motivate me. I am failure as a student.
(+) This goes for all my classes really, but never any attendance.
(-) "Check online under so and so and go here and do this, and that's where you'll get the syllabus."
(-) TEXTBOOK. *cries* This goes for all math textbooks. They're going to cost like over 100 each. UUuuuughhhh.
(+) I can dream of going to sleep after this class what with my FIVE hour break.
(+) Only a one time thing, but this old man walks into the room and sits in the back. And everyone looks at him because I'm pretty sure they expected him to get up at any second and go. "Did anyone buy that? I'm the professor!" ...Then five minutes later, the actual professor walks in. I was snickering inside my head.

I'm not gonna get into my "adventures" involving my break. Just lots of hassle and travel time and a yummy sandwich.

Linear Algebra:
(+) The professor walks into the class and immediately kicks the teacher's chair and it hits the wall. My head: "Way to make an entrance."
(-) MONOTONOUS VOICE. OHmygod. I think I wanted to die in that class.
(-) Also, low voice. as;dlfkjasldkfj I'M IN THE SECOND DAMN ROW. Close to the middle. Close enough so that I should be able to hear him. Do I? Not really.
(-) His teaching style is kinda sporadic. >.> I'm hoping the textbook (WHICH'LL COST MONEY.) will be able to shed more light on this subject.
(-) I nearly nodded off 5-6 times. >.>
(+) Lindsay is my savior for helping me keep awake at least a little.
(-) Then she mentions Yamapi half-naked and I feel like going to sleep just so I can dream it.
(+) Class ended EARLY. *___________________*
(+) I might make a new friend in that class! <3 As soon as the class ended, we turned to each other and were like, "What?" about ending early. Then I made fun of the professor. *snorts*
(-) I may have forgotten to introduce myself. Whoops.

Advanced Calculus 1:
(-) The longest of all three math classes - an hour and 40 minutes.
(-) Possibly the HARDEST of all my math classes. I am crying a river over here.
(+) Out of all my professors, I think he may be the best one.
(-) Okay, I say that, but I barely got today's lessons. Like, I'm a FOOT away from the line of understanding, and I need that little something to push me over. I still haven't found that something, but hopefully I'll get there.
(+) I ALREADY HAVE THIS TEXTBOOK. WIN. There's money I won't have to waste.
(+) I recognize a shit load of people from this class since half were in my Bridge to Advanced Math class from last semester.
(-) Sadly, Spiffy from the same class was not there. *snaps fingers* Oh well.
(-/+) I only possibly nodded off twice. Improvement if you ask me.
(-) The class ended up going over 10 minutes. But five of those are made up because we took a "break."
(-) This class seems like it'll be the most work - Homework. Quizzes. Exams. All that jazz.
(+) Because of all the work, possibility of passing is all in my hands. And hopefully that means good things. You know.. If... I do them. >.>

So all in all, Linear Algebra seems the worse, but only because of the professor. Let's see the amount of work I have to do when I get the syllabus on Wednesday.

TOMORROW = JAPANESE. I'm excited. :D

I am a sheep. Shhhhhh.

iii. I wrote this Ryo/Shige for mujun's Comment Challenge which was really a shitload of fun. Check it out over here titled Tangled Web. I'll be reposting it on korette_destiny soon enough. But I'm really lazy. Especially considering I have like 10 other fics I should be posting. >.>
iii-a. Everyone and their mom's aunt or whatever has seen the Lips PV. I am probably one of the very, very few who have yet to see it. I blame this all on school and my internet connection. swtjemz has planned another one hour challenge thing based on the PV. I'm sad to say that I'd have to miss out on this one. But if anyone wants to join in on the awesome challenge, go over here for information! :D

iv. I can't get the idea of a Japanese Dorama podcast out of my head. T.T It doesn't help that I keep listening to these really awesome things. If I had more time, I'd totally do it myself, but who'd really wanna listen to me ramble on and on about doramas. Seriously.

v. (Because I can't get the proper coding), the question today for writer's block is "What have you made with your own two hands?"

Finished Projects: In time order.

Very VERY first project. I messed up actually. Missing one row horizontally and adding a row vertically, but you can barely tell. Sadly, I forgot to tag this one with an initial. Sad.

One of my favorites. <3 I mean, CATS. Look at it! *__________________* I tagged it ugly though. >.>

A smaller project. I have another one but it was a gift to my best friend. It was a really cute one too. :D

Actually. This isn't mine. But I finished this particular one in like a YEAR. It is kinda big. And insane. And one of my favoritest things that I worked on. I'd take a picture... but my grandmother took it to the Philippines to get it framed TWO YEARS AGO. And I haven't seen it since. *sad* It was so pretty.

Isn't this one GORGEOUS? I also may really like how I tagged it. :DDDDD

This is actually originally my mom's but she never finished. LOL. So I took it over. <33333 I think it's really nice in its simplicity. You all also now know how much I weighed when I was born. LOL.

It's actually a pillow! Isn't it AWESOME?!!? ...I haven't yet put the pillow part in but I'm getting there. XP

Works in Progress:

This is actually not one of mine. My mom's co-worker is paying me to stitch it. Except... I've had it for WAYYYYY too long. Um. It's hard! My first time doing stamped cross-stitching and the fabric is annoying. >.>

I'd be done sooner if my mom'd give me the information I needed. >.> Silly mom.

And we all know this one. I showed it like a couple of days ago because I may really love it. I also have one other one that I don't have a picture of. Whoops. XPPPP


i have desires like crazy, am i really a math major?, random is my middle name, i attempt writing, school is a torture device, i'm pimping my own stuff, i am a fail student, meme whore at work, cross-stitching is cool thnx

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