[#28] Lots of Strangers

Jan 17, 2008 19:42

Lately, lots of random people have been friending me and I have no idea where they're coming from. Can anyone tell me if my name's been spread in some way or another? I'm seriously getting confused why people would want to friend me... It's not like I have a lot of picspams anymore, ne? *confused* And I'm seriously not interesting.... My flist can say that for you already. *snorts* Onto things not related to my default icon.

i. *FLAILS* acchikocchi! ♥♥♥ Mer! I got your card in the mail today. Totally, totally didn't expect it and I was entirely surprised and just a;lksjaflksjd. I loved it! And LOL to your greeting. It's a little weird that I don't actually go by my real name, ne? *laughs* I don't like it. Not really. :D But anyway... as;lkdfja;lsjfd I hope you'll be showing more of what you wrote there! I giggled madly while reading. I'm grinning just thinking about it. ♥

ii. I've watched two movies since yesterday. I don't exactly love either of them so they're not getting a long entry like Kimi ni Shika Kikoenai.
a. Chekerachoo (or rather, Check it Out, Yo) was a cute movie with Ichihara Hayato and Inoue Mao and Hiraoka Yuta. So cute. I found it ironic that Hiraoka Yuta was in love with Inoue Mao's character here but she was in love with Ichihara Hayato's character, when in First Kiss, they were romantic interests. :D But really, it was a cute movie - not something to blog helplessly about so... :D I did like the ending song like crazy~ It's over here if you wanna watch. I think it completely made up for the movie, and kinda made it even better than the rest of the movie. I really liked it. <3
b. On the other hand, I absolutely abhored Dear Friends with Keiko Kitagawa and Kikawada Masaya who I can never get right no matter what. I keep thinking he's someone else. ...Anyway, besides the amusement I had when I realized it's like a Sailor Moon Live Action reunion (yes, I am that lame. Shut up), I thought this movie was just kinda terrible. I know it was trying to push this message to cherish life and friends are people to care about and take care of. And blahblahblah. But it completely fell short - I spent the whole movie mercilessly mocking it and then felt terrible for mocking it because it's such a serious topic. >.< I am so mean. But I really didn't like this movie - it was utterly lame in all its predictability. >.> I just despised it.
c. Am watching Heavenly Forest now so depending on how I feel at the end will determine if I make a post on it. I had to go through so much hassle to get it to play with the right sound. For some reason, on every player but my Nero Showtime, the background sound will be okay and loud but the regular vocals will be messed up and sound really faint. Only on Nero does it play correctly so I had to encode the subtitles so they'd show up and a;lskfdjalsfkjd SO MUCH HASSLE. I have to do this for a lot of movies now just so I can hear right.

iii. A different hate meme showed up that has since been locked. It was terrible as hate memes can be but one thread that I really liked and wanted to link to is gone and it had me in peels of laughter. It was about Pi and yes, at first I thought "Yamapi." But whatever, the comment afterwards was something like "THAT MOTHERFUCKING TL;DR WHO IS AN ATTENTION WHORE FOR ALL THOSE COCK-SUCKING MATHETMATICIANS." and something along those lines. I was cracking up like mad. I love math jokes. <3333

iv. As much as I love Inoue Mao, I don't think she's the best singer. Not really. Which is why I'm glad she isn't one... XP Not really. *snickers* But her on Domoto Kyoudai was utterly adorable, especially this interview where they fight over her and try to win her heart. *giggles* She also sings at the very end so if you wanna hear her voice, have fun? :D

v. So... oh! This is very brief but... Last Saturday was no pants train day and I'm a little disappointed I didn't get to go because one of my friends was gonna do it and I totally wanted to snicker about it. Go over here to read all about it and all about Improv Everywhere which is one of the funniest things I've ever watched. My friend told me all about it and told me all these stories of things she's seen on that site. *laughs* I haven't watched them just yet. So... :D Just thought I'd link to it for now.

vii. I read about NewS' singles and the B-sides to the RE and LE. LOLOL. Funniest name ever. Why would they choose titles like Bambina and Lady Spider? Exotic-sounding indeed. I seriously can't wait to hear it when the single drops. *snickers* I sense another spanish themed song. *snorts*

...How is it that outside of the cut is longer than inside the cut? *snorts* Whatever. I don't have much to post about... That I can remember anyway. *shrugs* Memory loss ftw. >.

i am math nerd, heavenly forest, chekerachoo, a video you all must watch, news is made of so much awesome, my friends are completely awesome, my comedy is twisted, dear friends, movie, new york is loads of fun, hate memes are made of lame

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