I wanted to write up a huge post (okay, not so huge post) about yesterday's party, but I'm much too lazy and it'd consist of really just two things: 1) I was utterly bored and 2) my parents are crazy for throwing another party. ~_~;; Oh wait, one more: 3) the little 7 year old boy that came to our party was cute but really clingy - "can you play with me now?" XPPPP I ended up being really tired at the end which is why I'm really saddened by my less than good Tegoshi b-day post. Oye.
Let's see what else I can talk about...
I Like You Because.... Meme: I don't know. I'm in the mood for compliments? :D
Subway Love at First Sight: Dude, awesome story. Seriously, it's just so great - makes you wonder if there's possibility of this happening on more than one occassion. :D
- Oguri Shun on Caligula: *_______________________* Frig. How hot can this guy get, like seriously? How hot? *________________* Here's examples:
One Picture Post,
Two Picture Post,
Video Link One,
Video Link Two.
- A meme snagged from
1) Answer the 20 questions below.
2) Take each answer and type it into Google's image search.
3) Take a picture from the first page of results and post all the images on your journal.
4) See if people can guess how you answered.
No need to guess, but I was utterly curious at what would show up.
1. The age you will be on your next birthday.
Ahahaha! Isn't obvious at all. XP
2. A place you'd like to travel
3. Your favorite place
4. Your favorite object
5. Your favorite food
6. Your favorite animal
I had to decide between cats and dolphins. *_______________*
7. Your favorite color
This is obvious. Like crazily obvious.
8. The town in which you were born
Ahahaah, this isn't obvious either.
9. The town in which you live
Ahahaha, that's actually a real picture - It's a park by where we live. :D
10. The name of a past pet
Ahahaah, it wasn't even my pet - I don't really have any pets. But it was a family friend's pet.
11. The first name of a past love
...Hmm.... I couldn't decide which name I should've used.
13. Your nickname/screen name
14. Your first name
15. Your middle name
I like how risque this is as associated to my middle name. :D
16. Your last name
Ahahahahah! I knew it'd be found as a first name. :D
17. A bad habit of yours
:DDDDD I like how appropriate that looks.
18. Your first job
19. Your grandmother’s name
20. Your major in college
- I'm kinda proud of this since I haven't been able to write much of anything, but I wrote
this for
tangertine randomly. I was being particularly lax with capitals so yeah, I hope that explains why there are no capitals. But yeah. I'm hoping this'll bring me out of my blcok that lasted a lot longer than it should've. :D
NewS Official Picture Set under Weeeek PV. This is so flipping awesome. Like seriously awesome. Oh god oh god. *______________________*
- Soon I'll be having a post about Christmas! :DDD I might actually try to send Christmas cards. ...Hopefully on TIME. *laughs*
- There's probably more I wanted to talk about, but whatever. Too lazy to try and remember.