I need fluff. LOL Who wants to rec me to lots and lots of fluff, because god, I really need fluff. I just read
Shipshape and it made me weep so hard. (Okay not seriously, but totally emotional.) I need something happy to balance this out, like Nantoka Narusa to Ai Nante. That's what I need, the next track. XP Plz to have happy fic lying around in your links. It'd make me uber happy.
Plus, it'd make up for this shit morning I've had so far. XP I woke up at around 6:30 (half an hour later than I should be awake) because CRAP, my cell phone mysteriously shut down at some point last night. So I had to rush to be out the door by 7, even though none of my stuff was prepared so I had to do all that and take a shower to boot. I did manage to be out the door by 7:05, but then my dad had to grab a sweater so we hit the road by 7:08 (my bus was going to come at 7:16 and it's a 6-8 minute ride from my home to the main stop). We get there at, get this, 7:12 (record-breaking if you ask me) although to be fair, we went to a closer stop because I didn't wanna risk it. So he dropped me off at the corner (where I can see a clock, and oh look, is that the TEMPERATURE? 24 degrees? Good to know. XP). And I waited there.
And waited.
And waited.
Oh look, more waiting.
Hey! Three buses (same line too, stupid #47 bus) passed by within an hour as i wait.
...Is it seriously 8:04?
....When'd it go up from 31 degrees?
Ahahaha! I can see my BREATH.
Okay, I went a little crazy towards the end. I ended up calling my mom around 8:05 or something and was practically crying that "IWANNAGOHOME.IWANNAGOHOME.I'M FREEZING!" And she's like, "okay okay!"
They arrive at 8:16 and OH LOOK. IS THAT THE SECOND BUS. YOU FUCKER. I was like, screw it. I'd've been massively late anyway because the George Washington Bridge in the morning is massive fail. And I'd've arrived at school at like 10:40 or something when my first class is at 10. So blah. Waste of my LIFE. And I'm still dressed (and sleepy) so whatever.
My next class isn't until 3:30 so eh.
I'm massive sleepy and want something happy. Links to fluff plz. (Since I can't seem to write any of my own lately. *fails* If only something like
Tenses could be written again. Sugary fluff plz.
Guh. I'm just posting because I'm in the mood to spam. Whatever. You guys have been seeing me a lot this week, haven't you? ...Talk about weird.
Ohhay, this new comment editing and private messages for paid users is COOL. :DDD I haven't tried out comment editing yet, but I can't wait? LOL. Um. Yeah. :DDDD (I also would love if this paid account wouldn't die yet. @.@ The thought that I won't have a massive amount of icons scares me. I might actually pay to renew it even though I could've sworn like, a year ago, I'd've never paid for LJ. ...Then again, I never thought I'd pay for JE cds and ahahahaha, see where that resolve went. XPPP)
I'M GOING TO MAKE INTERESTING TAGS NOW. *______________* The idea that I'll have interesting tags makes me giddy because all my tags so far have been so boring it's not even funny. (I mean, the ones i'm using now are kinda lame, but i'll do my best.
ALSO ALSO, DID ANYONE NOTICE?!?!? I HAVE A MATH ICON. *_______________* When I found this yesterday, I was giddy. ...And then asked cyn if there existed such a thing as math je fanfic. LOL. I am seriously weird. (There was one, but not too big a part.)