I know. I know. I just posted and all. I'm in school right now and just. God. Okay. So I heard this when I was home, but I was obviously not paying as much attention when I heard it then. So I stuffed it in my iPod and while I was walking on the train platform, it came on and god, guys. I think my heart broke. I have no idea what the hell they're saying. Or what the song's about or even what the hell the title is. But it is really frigging amazing and just... God.
If it's just these three, ohmygod, I think I'll die once I get the album (yes, I finally, finally pre-ordered it, thanks to
bitofpixiedust who is made of awesome) and god. If it's just them for the first half and the other three for the second, I think this would be their "Dreams" song, if you know what I mean. That slow mellow song that they always sing? Like Yume was years ago? (Ahahaha, is there a thread here or something?) But god. Guys. Guys. I really think everyone, everyone should listen to this. It is really full out amazing and just. GOD. I have it on repeat right now. I don't even have my headphones on but I can still hear it (ahahaha, the volume's that loud.
I'm still spazzing. And my heart feels like it's constricting and just a;laksjdflaksjfdlkjasd.
bitofpixiedust~~~ I got your letter. Or postcard in this case. *grins*
4_03_am. You're next. :DDDDDD