So today (technically yesterday because that's when I started writing this) was my friend, Cathy's birthday and it was a helluvalot amazing. Most of everyone we invited (which was a mere list of 5 people) canceled on us except for ONE brave soul, Jay. He's so great for that. AND he was able to deal with a cranky Cathy and a crainky Desi... in the beginning. Anyway. She's now 19 like me! (And she calls me OOOLLLLDDDD. Offended!) We met up after a very, very long Philosophy class that needs to be shortened or just filled with hours of games, games, and more games. Which it totally isn't/wasn't.
We went to eat at ... OLIVE GARDEN! Whoo-hoo! A complete blast. We ended up staying there for three hours... Most of those which was not spent eating, I might add. We had the greatest waitor though, named Jesse, who wasn't so bad looking-wise, anyway. He kept coming back and forth (because we had never ending pasta bowls) and we kept finishing in different intervals so it was a tad weird.
I am saddened by something I've officially discovered today.
...I am no longer the bottomless pit that I used to be. It makes me cry because I love food! And I sometimes just ate food for the sake of eating but that no longer works because there is no longer any space in my stomach to stuff the food into. So that's just way too sad.
Anyway, back to the Olive Garden's experience. Now, this is only my third time there but I have to say that I really like eating there. What's NOT to like?! But the most fun was what we kept talking about.
Our conversations would definitely range. I can assure of that. However, most of them were on the perverted side because... Seriously, we're TEENAGERS (still) and it's kinda part of the teenager "experience." I definitely can't put these in order but it doesn't matter really. Especially because a lot of this was entirely random and definitely not something that you could put in order, even if you tried.
1. Cathy brought up this story of a kid who had been on a bus with me, her, and two of our other friends. We had been coming back from Six Flags (which was a lot of fun) and this KID who was sitting two rows in front of us kept talking about "pea"nuts. As you can tell (I hope), it had nothing to do with the actually FOOD. He kept talking to these other kids in front of us, a little girl and I think, a little boy, about how he likes to eat his "pea"nuts.
Then he went on to describe various types of nuts. (I forget the exact words) which led the little girl to go , "Ew. You're gross, Insert Name Here." And he'd then reply, "I was talking about my peanuts. What were you thinking? Dirtttty!" or something along those lines.
Disturbing, I know.
2. Oh! There was this random "trolley" outside the restaurant that we could see from our window. It was the most amazing view, I have to say. Anyway, Cathy found it EXTREMELY hilarious when Jay had gone, "It's a bus dressing up as a trolley." I still don't know what was so funny about it but... She found it funny.
3. Then there was a conversation about the lamps in the restaurant. Jay thought it looked like a nipple while Cathy was sure it was a boobie. Then Jay, smartly, says "It's too small to be a boobie, but really big for a nipple." or something along these lines which led to a visual for Cathy of a boobie whose nipple is pretty much the same size. She started cracking up at the table which lead to even more looks than usual.
4. There was also this conversation about cloning which then connected to Arnold Schwarzenger... Totally don't know how to spell that and since I'm in a moving bus, typing this, I'm not gonna look it up. Anyway, Cathy and Jay argued about which Arnold movie it was that had him cloned. Something about Junior and 6th Day and ... Another movie whose name escapes me. I was completely out of the look because, well, I haven't watched that many Arnold movies... That I know of. So here's where our miraculous waitor comes to help us! Waitor Jesse to the rescue! Jay asks him point blank which Arnold movie had Arnold being cloned. Immediately, he goes "6th Man."
So we accepted that. But then he comes back, takes away something, and goes. "I was thinking about that question and I realized as I was walking away that it was 6th Day, not 6th Man."
We nod numbly and watched him walk away. And as soon as he wasn't within earshot, which for us is pretty much the bottom level, we talked about how great he was and how he's the greatest waitor in the world.
5. Then Cathy brings up the fact that she has "penis" pasta. Oh, there's so no joking about this one. She literally has pasta in the shape of PENISES. Or Penuses. Or Peni. We still haven't decided. Then she makes a joke about how if ever she was gonna eat it, it'd like choke her. And that became a continuous topic throughout the night.
6. We spent 3 hours there just JOKING around about everything. We completely joked about the fact that we were talking kinda loud and how it'd be hilarious to any outside who randomly decided that he/she wanted to listen into our conversation at anytime. Ahhh.. That was too great.
7. I only ate ONE full bowl and then like 1/4 of another... What is the MATTER with me?! Am I that pathetic when it comes to eating now? What is it?!
8. Then Cathy asked Jesse to sing for us because it's her birthday, of course. And at first, he didn't do much of anything which got her all disappointed. So we ordered our deserts, and he walked away. Cathy got angry and sighed and we wondered who we could get to sing "Happy Birthday" for her. (She got my best friend, Jennelle, to sing for her... They know each other if you needed to know.) But THEN (and this is the reason it has its own number) minutes later, he comes back with two other people and our desert (Cathy's with a candle) and SINGS the Olive Garden song for us! It was so great!!! (And then Cathy feels bad for cursing his name a few minutes before. But we got over it. XP)
Afterwards, we went to the movies (although we were supposed to go to karaoke). It was so great! ... Okay just so tiring though. The three hours in Olive Garden was extremely exhausting. (So we found.) Anyway, it took a while for us to even pick a movie. And this huge discussion on whether or not we should see The Last Kiss and The Guardian. (Weird choices, I guess?) We ended up watching The Last Kiss.
So the movie. It totally didn't help that I was so tired... but the beginning was kinda slow unfortunately. So for a few minutes, I fell asleep and was only able to listen and not watch. XP However, the end started to get more and more interesting. And I did like it! It was pretty good. ^_^
Although, I have to say that the plot was pretty interesting.
I totally have nothing else to say. Wow... That was a useless cut.
Will update soon to talk about my television shows... I think. Maybe. Whatever.