Nov 29, 2006 11:03
i actually decided to spend some time in san francisco before i depart for tel aviv. i feel like i only saw this city through the lens of an undergrad student filled with angst about graduating. i feel that, with a full time job and time to spend with my friends, i'll be able to really enjoy the city. tel aviv will always be there (hopefully, if things settle down at some point). i have nothing planned for either sf or tel aviv, but at least in california i have my friends, family relatively close, and a great apartment. i also kind of started seeing someone that i'm really into, which did play a role (however miniscule it was) in me decided to see what happens if i stay for a bit. and also, it'll give me more of a chance to visit my friends in other parts of the country - a couple hundred dollars for a flight is much cheaper than a thousand or so.
i'm excited at the prospect of seeing a good friend of mine finally turn 21, of having a 9-5 job and then the rest of the day to do what i want. no more assignments i'm not crazy about. i'm not going to lose my drive to learn outside of the classroom, and now it can be everything that i want to learn about. i can get all my knitting and reading projects done. and i won't always feel like the oldest one by far in all my surroundings on a daily basis. the relief of being done school in less than 2 weeks is so monumental.
i'm going home for the 18th to the 31st, in time to come back for new year's eve. what is everyone doing? i wanted to hang out with my parents, but drinking copious amounts of alcohol, smoking way too many cigarettes, and having a pretty insane night. let me know your plans, friends.
<3 elinor