Oct 11, 2009 14:01
- 10:03 Uber jealous of my boyfriend. #
- 10:23 Omg, i might as well walk home, sean's mom is the worst and slowest driver ever. MUST GET LICENSE. #
- 10:25 It doesnt help that we're on the verge of having rain here #
- 10:35 @ rosepants: super jealous redbull and vodka, ftw! #
- 11:44 Top 3 weekly #lastfm artists: David Bowie - 44. Animal Collective - 41. Funkadelic - 31. bit.ly/IMrt #
- 12:28 twitpic.com/l1fq6 - #
- 13:18 Playing Guitar Hero: Metallica. raptr.com/tinypaperplane #
- 13:48 Playing The Beatles: Rock Band. raptr.com/tinypaperplane #
- 15:25 I think i know what i want for christmas...-nudges sean- #
- 16:49 Playing Tetris Splash. raptr.com/tinypaperplane #
- 17:03 Playing Halo 3. raptr.com/tinypaperplane #
- 04:59 bit.ly/OJ69M see? even myans are saying 2012 isnt the end! #
- 06:45 @ nonojusco: mehhh its the weather. #
- 07:57 @ dannywasadiver: i miss going to chruch with you. Whatever that was called hah #
- 09:39 i think i need to go to rehab, for excessive mint candy consumption. #
- 09:50 @ tetrakin: but theyre so yummy *A* #
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