Jun 28, 2004 13:23
and this is how my mum knows that i'm going to hell.
>You asked me yesterday to show you where in the Scripture it would state
>that we should judge the spirits. Of course I do not want to allow an
>opportunity like this to pass me by without addressing it. You asked ?
>you can blame yourself for this response :-)
>Before I go into the matter itself, I think it is imperative that we know
>the terms we are using. Starting with Webster to evaluate the word: judge
>... this is what we find:
>Main Entry: judge
> transitive senses
>1 : to form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and
>testing of premises
>2 : to sit in judgment on : TRY
>3 : to determine or pronounce after inquiry and deliberation
>4 : GOVERN, RULE -- used of a Hebrew tribal leader
>5 : to form an estimate or evaluation of; especially : to form a negative
>opinion about
>6 : to hold as an opinion : GUESS, THINK doing>
>intransitive senses
>1 : to form an opinion
>2 : to decide as a judge
>Going then into the Scripture. The first thing I want to point out to you
>is found in
>Prov. 14:15: The simple believeth every word: but the prudent [man]
>looketh well to his going.
>The highlighted word ?looketh? or byin, as it is in the original language,
>can be translated the following ways (Strong?s): to discern, understand,
>consider, perceive, observe,...... NLT, NKJV, and NASB Bible translations
>use the word: ?consider? when translating this verse from the original....
>therefore it is reasonable to look at the word ?consider? in the
>Main Entry: con·sid·er
> transitive senses
>1 : to think about carefully: as a : to think of especially with regard to
>taking some action the city> b : to take into account
>2 : to regard or treat in an attentive or kindly way every wish>
>3 : to gaze on steadily or reflectively
>4 : to come to judge or classify
>intransitive senses : REFLECT, DELIBERATE
>In some sense then ? it is not an option to judge (= to form an opinion
>about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises) what
>one sees and hears, but it is expected ? if one does not wish to be
>included into the group assigned the distinction of ?simple?.
>The Scripture in Proverbs is supported by Jesus Himself as documented in
>Mat 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man
>deceive you.
>The word ?take heed? or blepo in the original text, can be translated as:
>to see, discern, observe, perceive, discover, understand..... all of which
>in some sense or another include a decision or judgement (Webster?s
>primary explanation to word judge = to form an opinion about through
>careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises) to be made of the
>person being evaluated.
>Then in 1John 4:1 is where we get into the judging of the spirits ?
>Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of
>God:.. ?
>The word highlighted can be translated as follows (Strong?s):
>1) to test, examine, prove, scrutinise (to see whether a thing is genuine
>or not), as metals
>2) to recognise as genuine after examination, to approve, deem worthy
>All these possible translations again contain within the words the sense
>of judging as Webster primarily describes the word.
>.... and .... lastly: 1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is
>Prove (dokimazo) is the same word that is translated as try in 1John 4:1.
>It is then pretty clear that one is not to take anything one sees or hears
>on face-value, but one is to judge (= to form an opinion about through
>careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises) all things including
>person's spirit.
>Love you.....