Fandom Stocking Fic Roundup

Jan 09, 2013 03:19

This year, I participated in Fandom Stocking, which was a lot of fun, and I wrote a couple of gift ficlets to fill other people's stockings. (I also got that shiny new icon in my stocking!) I posted them when they were completed on private, so here's a quick roundup of them, now that stockings have gone live.

Any Day Now, for  shinyjenni. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy/Tara.

Checkmate, for  aaronlisa.  Dollhouse Bennet/Topher.

Christmas in July, for  firefly124  Angel.  Fred/Gunn.

Come Morning, for drowninginthebrevity. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Oz/Willow.

Learning to Fly, for  vialethe.  Firefly. Wash, River.

Survivors, for  evil_little_dog.  Buffy the Vampire Slayer Alternate Universe. Oz/Willow.

There're a few more that I wrote, but hadn't finished editing when stockings went live, so I'll either post those to stockings and update this list, or just post those to solely to my journal sometime later.

char: bennett halverson, challenge: fandom stocking, char: topher brink, genfic, pair: bennett/topher, fic: dollhouse, pair: buffy/tara, pair: fred/gunn, fic: btvs, fic: ats, char: river tam, pair: oz/willow, char: fred burkle, char: tara maclay, fanfiction, fic: firefly, char: willow rosenberg, char: charles gunn, fic rec, char: buffy summers, char: hoban "wash" washburne, char: daniel "oz" osbourne

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