This year, I participated in
Fandom Stocking, which was a lot of fun, and I wrote a couple of gift ficlets to fill other people's stockings. (I also got that shiny new icon in my stocking!) I posted them when they were completed on private, so here's a quick roundup of them, now that stockings have gone live.
Any Day Now, for
shinyjenni. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy/Tara.
Checkmate, for
aaronlisa. Dollhouse Bennet/Topher.
Christmas in July, for
firefly124 Angel. Fred/Gunn.
Come Morning, for
drowninginthebrevity. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Oz/Willow.
Learning to Fly, for
vialethe. Firefly. Wash, River.
Survivors, for
evil_little_dog. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Alternate Universe. Oz/Willow.
There're a few more that I wrote, but hadn't finished editing when stockings went live, so I'll either post those to stockings and update this list, or just post those to solely to my journal sometime later.