Dear Ship Swap Author,
First thing's first, I'm terribly sorry about how late this letter is! My time management has been completely out of control and
werewolfbigbang has completely eaten my life, which isn't much of an excuse. So, I'm incredibly sorry about any inconvenience I may have caused you. Nonetheless, here's my letter, better late than never!
Overall, general likes and dislikes are the same for all of my requested pairings. I'm perfectly fine with AUs, but I'd prefer no crossovers. Any rating you like is fine, but I'd prefer no PWP for the sake of PWP, because I'm a big fan of characterization in stories. Other squicks include noncon or dubcon, partner abuse, slavefic, and mpreg, but aside from those, I'm fine with just about anything from fluff to darkfic, but I am a fan of happy endings. Just write something that makes you happy!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Willow/Oz is my actual OTP from any fandom, so I'd love a W/O story, as they're super under-appreciated in fandom, but don't feel obligated to write this pairing if you're not a fan or if you don't watch Buffy. If you do choose to write this pairing, I would love anything, but I'd especially darkfic with a mostly happy ending (maybe an AR where Oz stays after "Wild at Heart" or "New Moon Rising," or where Willow leaves town with him) or a story set in the summer after S3 (maybe Willow and Oz having to fight some demon while Xander's road tripping and Buffy's visiting her dad, or a story where they try and figure out where their relationship stands after sleeping together in the S3 finale). If you do write a S4 story, please no Tara bashing!
I have fewer specific requests for Anya/Giles, so sorry about that, but I also love this ship. A/G where they begin a relationship in S7 would be excellent. They had a very neat character dynamic, so any story concerning how their potential relationship would begin would be lovely.
Munroe/Rosalee is pretty much the only pairing I ship on Grimm, I'll be honest. Their relationship hasn't been very defined so far on the show, so I'm a little less specific on any potential prompts. I'd prefer canon to an AU, but if you want to write any AU story, I'd still be very happy to read it. I don't have very many prompts for this ship, but if you're looking for inspiration, a story where there's a conflict of sorts due to Munroe and Rosalee's differing species would be wonderful.
Angel: the Series
Faith/Tara is a pairing that I'm bizarrely fond of. Tara's one of my favourite characters in Buffy (but I'll never be able to ship her with Willow because of the way Willow seriously abused her in S6) and I would love to see her happy, and I think that she and Faith would really balance each other well. I'd be happy with anything that's F/T, especially if it's set in an AU where Tara joins Angel Investigations instead of hanging around Sunnydale after leaving Willow. I have a soft spot for AU's, especially for this pairing, so I'd love a F/T AU (especially a post-apocalyptic one). In terms of canon prompts, Tara and Faith starting a relationship (in LA or in Sunnydale), or an AU where Tara never died and she and Faith officially meet in S7 would both be great. Since they never officially meet in canon, creating an AR where they meet might be tricky, so feel free to do whatever you want with this pairing, if you choose to write it.
Fred/Gunn is another canon pairing that I love, but is critically undervalued. For fluffier or lighter fic, a snapshot of their relationship in S3 and early S4 would be excellent, or a story about Gunn moving into the hotel to live with Fred, or Fred taking Gunn back to Texas to see her parents. If you want to write darkfic, I'd love to see them trying to rekindle their relationship in the middle of the mess that's S4 or Gunn trying to bring Fred back sometime after NFA, and it turning out poorly.
For Lilah/Wesley, I'd really prefer something that's not at all fluffy. Their relationship just isn't really well suited to fluff, in my opinion. That being said, there's really no L/W story I wouldn't love to read. I'd prefer a story set in canon as opposed to in an AU, at any point in the show. I'd love to see any snippet from their relationship in S3, or, more specifically, I'd love to see Wesley trying to raise Lilah from the dead after Cordelia kills her and him not loving the results, or Lilah and Wesley meeting after they've both died, as ghosts or in Hell or whatever you think would make sense.
Ultimately, I'd love any of these six pairings and I'd love to read anything to do with any of them. Don't feel pressured to write any specific pairing or to use any of my prompt suggestions; write whatever story you most want to tell. I'm already looking forward to seeing what you create!
Thanks, and sorry again for the lateness,