Last Chance to Sign-Up for the Werewolf in Love Ficathon!

Feb 20, 2013 03:56


Sign-ups for the Werewolf in Love Ficathon close on Wednesday February 20, 2013, at 11:59, EST. This is a ficathon for fanfiction featuring the pairing of Willow Rosenberg and Daniel "Oz" Osbourne from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and it's open to anybody who wants to participate. If you're interested in joining, but haven't yet signed up, make sure to sign up today!

You can sign-up here, once you've read the overview/rules and checked the schedule, and any further information you might require can be found at werewolf_inlove .

Thanks to everyone who's signing up or who's signed up already! I'm excited to see what you all create!

pimping, ficathon: werewolf in love

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