I'm wearing shorts.
Yes, that's right, Steve is going to be over soon and I'm ACTUALLY wearing shorts. I know, I'm shocked too.
Apart from that, I guess quite a lot has happened since I last updated. I finished school forever, I went to the sunshine coast with some lovely friends for schoolies, I've watched many dvd's and movies and have thoroughly enjoyed my freedom.
Ok, so maybe it doesn't sound like a lot when it's written down like that, but I feel as everything has changed completely. I wasn't really emotional when school finished, and I haven't been freaking out about my future much. It's weird- I was expecting to have this huge reaction (because usually change scares the shit out of me) but I've been relatively normal (for me).
This heat does crazy things to my mind. It just makes my day that little bit worse, because I'm sweltering, which puts me in a bad mood, which in turn destroys my friendships and ultimately my life. So, if my life completely falls apart anytime soon, I'm blaming the heat.
Actually it's unbearable to even sit here, so damn hot.
ANYWAY, recently I've gotten into the tv show "coupling." I just wish I had more than the first season on dvd. Does anyone else think Jack Davenport is the sexiest man alive?
I really don't have anything else to say... hopefully I'll start updating more in the future. I'm just sooo lazy. It's great.
Current Mood:
Current Music: Tori Amos: Me and a Gun