Mar 13, 2006 22:26
These are just a few rules that everyone must know before entering Crow's house:
#1- Pant are great but are not aloud, they must be shed at the door... unless you're the Jew Bagel.
#2- Everyone who enters must bring atleast one 12 pack of Pepsi or be flogged* upon entry.
#3- No whining, none at all... those who do will be flogged by everyone not involved in the whining.
#4- Never eat the last slice of pizza, it is punishable by flogging.*
#5- Never cry while being flogged*... It will lead to another flogging and a purple mushroom.
#6- If you can't find the Jew or the Beaner to blame things on then just look at Crow and say "Fuck You Crow" ... all will be understood.
#7- Don't get made that Your penis is not as big as Trevers... nothing is.
#8- Ginsing is bad it makes Crow very very Randy.
#9- When playing VTM never piss off God AKA Crow for he gets made and you will be put in the corner... and you guesed it flogged*.
If you hear strange noices eminating from down the hall don't worry it's just Trever enjoying the laughter between Crow and Kim.
P.S. when ciggaretes walk off Crow, Tori, Trever and Kim tend to get very pissed.
P.P.S. when Crow or Trever get pissed Kim tends to go crazy... in a nut shell just sit still, behave, and enjoy te show and hold on.
*- double for the Jew and the Beaner