Dec 29, 2008 18:03
So, as I'm totaling my expenses for 2008 I come to the "Childcare" column. It is by far my most expensive. I spent 150% of my rent each month for a preschool and then a nanny to watch over my little one with loving attention. And it dawns on me - husbands are cheapskates! Who on earth are these hero women who watch children (albeit, often their own) with no compensation, no job benefits, no transferable skills that look good on a resume (sadly), no awesome title like "VP of Laundry", and no days off??? I work hard at my job, but someone pays me a good chunk of change to do it. I could never ever EVER do that housewife gig for a month, let alone 20-some years that so many women do.
It's been 10 days since my son's public school went on winter break and I'm about to tear my hair out. The apartment WILL NOT stay clean! There are always new dishes in the sink, even when I just emptied the damn thing. And laundry? It's a total chore. I usually go to work in the morning, leaving behind a somewhat messy house, with a couple dishes in the sink. I can head out for the office totally assured that I'll come home to a bathed, fed, and bedtime-story-read child, a clean apartment, and an empty kitchen sink. It's like a freaking miracle. AND TONS OF OTHER PEOPLE HAVE THIS MIRACLE TOO. And they don't *pay* for it! This just absolutely boggles my mind.
I'm a working mom. I love it. I love my career and I love the sense of accomplishment I get from having work projects completed and, even better, invoicing clients for fat checks. There is no way on this earth I am cut out for full-time domestic servitude. I would be a completely basket case and bitch if I had to do everyday what thousands of American moms do without too much complaint.
I think housewives of America should go on strike. Or take vacations WITHOUT their families every once in awhile, and let the "working" member of the family see exactly what it is they non-financially compensated parent is doing all damn day. Or at least get a quarterly performance review where they can demand a wage increase. The idea of physically BUSTING YOUR BUTT every single day without a chance of a raise just blows my mind.
Anyway - since this is NOWHERE NEAR MOTHER'S DAY, I figured this was *exactly* the appropriate time to say to all my work-at-home and stay-at-home mothers out there (and work-at-home and stay-at-home dads) I salute you. Now go demand a pay raise.