
Jun 11, 2008 10:36

Ok, so I've kept my big political mouth shut long enough.  It's time for the ranting!  Feel free to leave intelligent comments. I'm all for debate, but not name-calling.  Just thought I'd lay that out there before I begin...

A few facts about our current Administration:
  • when Bush took office, gas was $1.47 a gallon.  Now it's $4.00 a gallon, national average
  • the economy is crumbling.  Food prices are up, as is unemployment.  Wages are static
  • over 30% of the US population is BELOW the poverty limit (including me)
  • college tuition rates are at an all time high, while funding for institutions for higher learning is decreasing (we're cutting many of my favorite teachers, as well as entire programs at the state university I attend)
  • the "War on Terror" has dragged on for years - without making the US demonstrably safer
  • Hamas is now in control of the Gaza Strip
  • Al-Qeida has grown in support, strength, and numbers over the past 8 years
  • people in New Orleans are still homeless, living in emergency FEMA trailers
  • terrorism in Iraq has increased greatly over the past five years
To all my Clinton supporters - I'm sorry your candidate did not win.  I respect Hillary and the incredible race she ran.  But whether you intiially supported Clinton or Obama, if you want to see change in the White House, do not abandon the Democratic National Convention now - vote Obama.  McCain will surely continue the Iraq War, sending more and more Americans to die needlessly in a war that is not supported by the majority of our citizens and without clear objectives.  Our standing on the international scene has decreased tremendously.  The US dollar is at a pitiful low.  We are spending great gobs of money on a war on foreign soil, while Americans struggle to pay their mortgages, buy groceries, keep up with credit card debt, and send their kids to school.  A man who loses his job in this country may not be able to afford to fill his gas tank long enough to find a new one.  There are record foreclosures going on.  Our economy is in shambles.  Whatever politicians and the media call it - an "economic downturn" or a "recession" - this is a sad, scary position.  We need to change things and we need to change them fast.

Vote Obama - please.  Don't keep sending good money after bad, to keep our soldiers far from home and coming home maimed, without fixing VA funding laws (Bush wants to cut veterans medical benefits, yet still send more troops off to die and face loss of life and limb).

Vote Obama - please.  This is the one and only candidate who did not accept campaign funding from political lobbyist groups.  McCain, on the other hand, accepted more fundings from such groups in the 2000 primary election against Bush than any other candidate.  He has a vested obligation to special interest groups and corporations - He cannot be trusted to put the interests of American citizens above the interests of his financial partners, American corporations.

Vote Obama - please.  We need change and we need it now.  I don't want to hear that America "isn't ready" for a black President.  If we aren't ready in 2008 then racism has won and this country would rather be poor and ignorant, than egalitarian.  Thomas Jefferson - a slave owner, but also an important founder of this nation - wrote that "all men are created equal".  If we aren't ready to embrace that principle now, in the face of the terrible state that white men have left this country in, I am sad and want to move my son and myself to another place, where people aren't judged by skin pigmentation, but by what they stand for and believe in.

Vote Obama - please.  Will it really hurt you to allow gays to have marriage and equal rights?  My best friend and roommate is a lesbian, and I love her like a sister.  I see no LOGICAL reason why she and her girlfriend should not be able to one day marry, if they so choose.

Vote Obama - please.  We don't need another tottering old fool in office.  We've suffered that indignity for the past eight years and it has not been to our benefit.  Let someone young, fresh, and with his ideals not yet watered down through years of back-door deals and bribes take office.

I'd like to end my plea with a historical note: The last time America elected a one-term Senator from Illinois to the office of President, he saved this Union from its greatest threat.  President Abraham Lincoln was young, a wonderful public speaker, and truly looked beyond Democrat and Republican lines to seek the best position for the entire nation.  Obama has reminded me of Lincoln since the start of his campaign, and I sincerely hope America IS ready to vote a great man to office once again.

Thank you.
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