Ugh, this is stupid. But! Pops made me go through every sex talk known to woman, so I know waaaaaay more than I should for a virgin. So, I'm just gonna make this girls-only, for the sake of....well, everyone.
1. What constitutes the act of sex?
Anything involving getting aroused then getting off, provided it's with two or more people
2. Are there different types of sex? If so, describe them.
Anal, oral, and uh having sex with more than one person at the same time
1. List three myths or urban legends about sex or contraception you know are untrue.
Guys are the only ones who can use contraception, the guy has to top, and the standing up myth
2. Can a woman get pregnant if she has sex during her period?
Uh, ew. No.
3. Can a woman get pregnant after she engages in anal intercourse?
Uh...I'm not gonna say 'no' because y'never know with demi-humans, but for humans? Nope.
4. Can a woman get pregnant if she has sex with a race of humanoid besides her own?
As long as the plumbing's the same. I've seen half-humans, half-demis.
5. Is it possible for men to get pregnant?
Not without being cursed or being a demi-human.
1. List all forms of contraception you are aware of.
Condoms, there's a potion/tea for us girls to drink to prevent getting pregnant, and I think there's a pill? Not having sex is good too.
2. Do you know what the effectiveness level of these contraceptives are? If they are used in combination?
Well, they don't always work, but using them all together should help.
3. Are you aware of any risks involved with their use?
The potion/tea can make you sterile if you use too much too often.
4. Do you know where to acquire any of these contraceptive devices?
Kropmork, probably a pharmacy, and ask anyone who sells her body for the tea/potion.
5. Who should you consult before using them?
A doctor about that drink, and your partner.
1. What is a sexual disease? How are they spread?
A disease spread by anything that causes fluids to be swapped, provided there's an opening. So, you got a cut in your mouth, no making out.
2. List any sexual diseases you are aware of.
Uhh... what Keyakku called "the clap", sphyilis or something like that...probably others, but if you have it, you're not gonna tell people about it.
3. How can you prevent contracting these diseases, or minimize the risk of doing so?
Uh, having the guy use a condom, and not having any sex
4. Are there any treatment options available?
Not that I know of, but maybe some doctors are working on it
1. Do you find the subject embarrassing? Why or why not?
I don't wanna hear about it, if that's what you mean. What you do alone is your business. Ew.
2. How often do you engage in it? Do you think that is normal?
I don't, I take a cold shower. I guess it's normal.
3. Would you feel comfortable discussing the subject with any future romantic partners?
Only if they mentioned it first.
5. What are the benefits of masturbation? Are there any negatives?
Well, I guess the stress relief? It can be pretty embarrassing if someone walked in on you, though.
6. List any urban legends or myths you have heard about masturbation.
You won't go blind, nothing is going to shrink, no hairy hands, you won't go sterile...I've heard some weird ones, too.
Ugh. Done. Seriously, Zeetha, was this really that important?