The Move

May 02, 2006 13:42

Well we are finally moved into the new house. We recieved the keys a day early which was good i don't think we would of gotten it all done otherwise. I would like to say we are setteled but we aren't Jim and I where pretty beat after moving all the big stuff that we have barly touch a box to unpack it. I will never move again, too much work.

Lilly started at her new school on monday we put her into the Ruthvan Montessori academy it is only her second day but she seams to like it. She has had no issues with the move to the new school or to the new house she is really enjoying having her own room.

I was off of last week due to feeling like crap but i feel alittle less like crap this week so I am back to work.

Well i hope some of you will come out and see our new place i am really looking forward to having company :)
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