
Aug 11, 2005 11:37

..Scottys outta lock up but isnt allowed in Shiawassee County... not even to see his dad...Ma's house got broken into the night b4... Me Alisha and Paula were gone when it happend tho... Paula was sooo drunk omg! me and Alisha didnt drink...she doesnt like to drink er something and I just didnt feel like it...I was already thinkin to much about shit I shouldnt be thinkin about and if i was to drink itd be BAD! But when Im drunk I can hide my feelings a lot better then when Im sober which sounds weird but I dont know o_O My other family decided to talk to me...ha if i lived in a different state like moved er something.... me and danny wouldnt very well be friends for very long.... hed never talk to me and now im just to stuboran to call him or try to talk to him at all when Im home... oh well...maybe i should move then...heh... Ive been stayin at Alishas house... I watched the movie 13 when I was there....pretty interesting...Im sleepy... and I need a cigg god damn it... moo moo needs to get home... arg...ok im out i dont know what to write about and i dont feel like bitchin right now...(yall know thats what Im fucken good at) BYE!
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