way back when, I posted a circle of hate game. Anybody remember that? it's the game where people anonymously tell you what they hate about you...
Well, someone left me one of the most thoughtful and wonderful things I've ever heard.
If it was you, I'd like to know so i can thank you.
And just in case you're not sure if it was you, here's what was said:
In order to truly compliment someone, one must also be able to critisize, unless one knows and loves the other so much that one realizes that the others imperfections are not faults, but rather defining traits and if the person did not have these to overcome, react to, and learn from, they would not be who they are at all so person A would never wish to take person B's imperfections from him/her.-If they really loved and knew this person.
This idea of perfect imperfections is one of the most difficult ideas i have ever tried to translate in to human speech, and i am quite sure i have failed miserably. sory Andy, i was thinking out loud. i thought of this because i have nothing negative to say to or about you.
i won't rack my brain over it, that would not be productive in any way, shape, or form...the world gives people enough negative thought as it is... Andy, in my eyes you are remarkable. with every ounce of honesty that i posess, I have noticed you, that you are indeed remarkable. I love the poetry you write because i feel it, and i know it in myself, even that which you did not yourself compose... I know that you feel it. you are true. i won't say "real" because i hate that term (people who pretend or are lost still "really" feel) You seem to me to be unafraid of fear, and unafraid of, even open to, anything anyone else may think. you test the waters of all possibility as far as who you choose to become and where you may take yourself. you open your heart to anyone who wants or needs to come along for the ride. Certainly one of my favorite qualities you posess is that you care. more importantly, you are not afraid to show it. No matter who says, " you care too much" you will still care and show it. I value that more than i can say. This is not a human characteristic, but a divine one. It shows through by the light in your eyes.
People don't always know they need love and concern, someone who sits quietly un-noticed, rejoicing with smiles at their every success, and weeping biterly through their trials and pain, even when they think they want no such attention, you are there smiling and weeping. and your eyes are bright and your arms open when they do want the love and support. andy, the thoughts you think and that you so readily share them are so unlike those of any one I've ever met. you are remarkable. you lift my spirits when you express hope. You never need be sad because you're loved and cherished along with your hello's, smiles, and friendly waves. i can truly think of nothing ill to say of you. that slate is compleetly blank. maybe that's because i know you will rise each time you fall. you will rise higher than the point from which you fell and will be better off having fallen because of what you've gained. you bring others with you when you rise, even if you don't notice it. Falling isn't bad, and i know you fall because i see you grow, and strengthen, and improve. Through all our follies we draw nearer to perfection. Thank you for being you.
Don't change yourself because of what someone else dosen't like about you. if you did that there would be no end to change, because you can't please every one. not only that but you'd be leaving out the most important input of all... that which comes from YOUR heart. Though there are times we feel as though we are being swept along in a river of screaming faces, that we have lost ourselves amid the crowd.. it is not the crowd which keeps us, or knows us best, but the light in our heart. That is where we must turn in uncertain times. i want to shout from a mountain top. this is the first time i have let my thoughts run freely and unabridged in,well, longer than i can say. you see, you lift others by asking them to think and to speak to you, and honestly wanting to listen. these are some of the strongest truths i've ever felt myself release. My apologies that it takes so much space.
Andy, never lose your smile.. it makes your blu eyes bright.
To whomsoever wrote this:
If you chose not to reveal yourself, I'll understand. I'd like it if you did, but it's not necessary.
And thank you.