(no subject)

Aug 22, 2007 00:33

School's back for one last jaunt... what an odd idea... that this time next year, I'll be DONE!

I have a friend named Stefanie Day... she's pretty much the Regina George of the microbiology department. I swear to you, I walk into class with the girl and people stop everything they're doing to stare at her. This girl is unearthly gorgeous. I'm pretty sure she's an entirely different species than the rest of us.

Naturally, I feel inadequate around her... but I'm pretty sure JESSICA ALBA would feel inadequate around her.

In her ridiculously abrasive way of honesty, the first thing she said to me today was "You seem happier since last semester. It'll be more fun to hang out with you now."

Not offended in the least, I start thinking about it... and she's dead on.

I AM happier.

This past year was awful. Straight up awful. There's NOTHING that would make me want to redo junior year. I didn't write much about it, for a variety of reasons... and I'm gonna continue to not write about it, because you gain next to nothing in dwelling.

Suffice it to say, I was unhealthy in every realm of my being.

I wish I could tell you what's different... I wish I could actually have some sort of success story to share... but I don't. All I can really say is, it's nice to have normal problems to worry about again-- everyday problems like boys and school and church... It's nice to return (relatively) to stability.

It's been awhile since I could say this with any large amount of conviction, but life is good. God is good... all the time.
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