Jul 12, 2005 22:26
Breakup Etiquette
----- If you, personally have been recently dumped;
1. Recovery time is very flexible. Recovery should go according to the time you have dated that guy and how sensitive you are. However, even if you are not completely over a guy, you should always be willing to go out and have fun with your friends in half the time you dated him. No one likes the annoying 'break-up' girl. Please be reasonable.
2. Do not call the guy crying. Ever. Angry? Possible, but must be hidden. Crying will result in coming off as 'break-up girl'.
3. Never isolate yourself yourself durting a breakup. No matter how upset you are, you will never get through a breakup without a good shoulder to cry on. Appreciate your friends, let them in, and allow yourself to feel better.
----- If you are a friend of someone who has been dumped;
1. Never. Ever. Ever. Think about dating a friends ex during their recovery time. Do not even indulge in your feelings for him. Do not go places with him. Do not call him unless it is about your friend. Your place is at tyour friend's side, even if your already with the ex. Things should be awkward. It's that persons fault it is.
2. Call the dumped daily to check up on them. During breakups, moodswings are frequent. You need to make sure that they vent any confusion. Breakups are hard. Diarys are only good for so much.
3. Moniter the phases of recovery of the dumped. Taking the dumped out to a ball game may be unwelcome if too early. You always need to know where they are at to ensure that you know what they need from you. This goes from; 1) A shoulder to cry on, 2) Adventurous person who can distract and not bring up dumpee, and 3) A person who can make fun of the dumpee(one who did the dumping). This prevents any awkward silences or stabbing in soft spots.
----- If you are the dumpee;
1. Give your ex some space. Leave them and their friends alone for a while. Hard, I know, but disregarding this rule will result in several stare glares from people you barely know, which is far worse.
2. Be understanding. Your ex may be suprised. Give consice answers to their questions. Bring up no specific examples, that will hurt their feelings. If they want to know why, say 'I want to see other people' as opposed to, 'we aren't hott as we once were'.
3. Be prepared. While most people are normal, some cannot handle a breakup well. They may threaten to kill themselves or cut, but you should not do things you don't want to. Don't get reinvolved because you're worried about your ex. They have friends for that. You could simply be a reminder of what they can't have, or you will end up with them getting mixed signals. Hard, I know, but you have to be strong.
And the universal rule of breakups, breakups are hard. Don't act like an all knowing asshole, claiming that you can get over any boy quickly. Chances are, you can't. Be sensitive, you jerks.
*****pass this on people*****