so now what to do?

Jun 13, 2009 18:00

Well, I'm on holidays!

And I am completely rubbish at relaxing!

Finished exams Thursday - felt I did quite well, but consumer law is an easy subject and everyone does well so then we all get scaled down relative to each other :(

Then I met Adam and Lara in the pub, we grabbed Mel and Robyn and drove to Kalamunda to see the Marvellous Mr Mick Moroz and hit up Kalamunda pub for some hills hospitality... or INhospitality as the case turned out to be.

Kalamunda pub seems to have forgotten its roots - Lara got in trouble for wearing a hat (outdoors!) and Moroz's shirt was a flanno and they wouldnt let him in until Adam gave him his jumper. Ridiculous. Then I got aggro at some guys that wouldnt leave us alone while we were dancing and Adam, Mick and Jim had to step in. Then the car ride home involved drunken rhyming games and screams from the three people in the boot (I know, I know, tre irresponsible but I wasnt in there nor driving!) and more hijinks until it was 5am and those of us working that day resigned ourselves to the fact that we were screwed.

So I bunked off work, was horrednously hungover and then headed off in the evening to Chris (ex boyfriend)'s 24th birthday! It was so lovely as I got there and his whole family were there. I usually catch up with his mum for coffee every couple of months minimum but hadnt seen her in ages as I'd been so busy. Saw her and squealed and filled her wine glass, then spent the night being silly with his sister Sarah - My sister from another Mister.

Then we had a delicious sleep in today and saw the Nick Cave exhibition. Fascinating stuff Now I'm cleaning the house, doing Powder Room stuff and getting ready to dance at Devilles tonight with my favourie co-dancer The Deliciou Viscious Melicious!

Something strange is happening to me - I'm enjoying cleaning - GASP. Also LOVING spanish. Adam and I are being really good and practicing for at least 20 mins a day as well as our weekly 2 hour class! Hola! (?)Como estas? Mi llamo Zoe! Soy Australiana.

In other news - damn I love waking up next to that man every morning.

deville's, holidays, exams, kalamunda

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