I'm in London still,

Dec 18, 2008 02:37

I love you London, now and always.

Paris you do not stand a chance. Yes you are beautiful. You are rich in history, architecture and the arts. You are also, however, proliferated by dog shit (25 tonnes to be exact) strewn throughout the main city, incredibly arrogant people (believe the stereotypes), countless homeless people (who most ignore), pickpockets and are bitterly bitterly cold...

Yes London, you have my heart. I could ride your underground, drink your ale while tucked away in cosy pubs, shop on your festive high street and little laneway markets, listen to jazz in Camden and soak up your history all day, everyday (thanks also for the clear skies).

No offence to any French-loving friends, its just that some places take your heart (and others your wallets). While my first night in Paris WAS amazing, thanks to Luke the random Australian, the rest left me feeling hollow. London however, makes me feel like I can do anything... now if only the aussie dollar could do more against the pound...

holiday, london. paris, trip

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